Unit 1(10个单词)你喜欢苹果吗?·apple/ ‘’Do you like apples?(你喜欢苹果吗?)·cat/ ‘’It''s a cat. (这是一只猫。
)·banana/ ‘’Do you like bananas?(你喜欢香蕉吗?)·ball/ ‘’Can I have a ball?(可以给我一只球吗?)·cap/ ‘’Police wear a blue cap when on duty.(警察在执勤的时候戴着蓝帽子。
)·cow/ ‘’A mature cow has horns.(成年奶牛有犄角。
)·duck/ ‘’I hava a duck.(我有一只鸭子。
)·desk/ ‘’On the desk.(在课桌上。
)·egg/ ‘’I want egg.(我想吃鸡蛋。
)·elephant/ ‘’His tour de force is an elephant sculpture.(他的精心之作是一件大象雕塑。
)Unit 2(10个单词)把旗升到旗杆顶端。
·flag/ ‘’Hoist the flag to the top of the pole.(把旗升到旗杆顶端。
)·fox/ ‘’He''s a sly old fox.(他是一只狡猾的老狐狸。
)·gift/ ‘’Please accept this little gift as a souvenir.(请留下这个小小礼物作为纪念。
)·grapes/ ‘’These grapes are ripe.(这些葡萄熟了。
)·head/ ‘’My head hurts.(我的头受伤了。
)·hair/ ‘’I hava black hair.(我有一头黑色的头发。
)·ice/ ‘’The ice is melting.(冰正在融化。
)·ice cream/ ‘’I ate two dishes of ice cream.(我吃了两碟冰淇淋。
)·jam/ ‘’I prefer jam to butter.(我喜欢果酱胜过黄油。
)·juice/ ‘’I am thirsty. I want some juice.(我饿了。
)Unit 3(10个单词)狮子大吼一声,跳了起来。
·lion/ ‘’The lion roared once, and sprang.(狮子大吼一声,跳了起来。
)·leaf/ ‘’These trees come into leaf in February.(这些树二月里长叶子。
)·kitten/ ‘’I''ve got a wee kitten in the flat.(我在公寓里养了一只小猫。
)·king/ ‘’It is my destiny one day to be king.(我命中注定有一天要成为国王。
)·nose/ ‘’Touch your nose.(摸摸你的鼻子。
)·net/ ‘’The ball rolled into the net.(球滚进了网中。
)·map/ ‘’All we had to do was follow the map.(我们所要做的就是按照地图走。
)·monkey/ ‘’Act like a monkey.(扮演一只猴子。
)·oil/ ‘’The oil in the lamp had burned up.(灯里油已经烧尽了。
)·orange/ ‘’Do you like orange?(你喜欢橙子吗?)Unit 4(9个单词)竹笋是熊猫的主要食物,这是人所共知的。
·panda/ ‘’It is well known that bamboo shoots are a panda''s staple diet.(竹笋是熊猫的主要食物,这是人所共知的。
)·peach/ ‘’The peach trees promise a rich crop this year.(今年桃子丰收在望。
)·queen/ ‘’She met the Queen last week.(上周她受到了女王的接见。
)·rabbit/ ‘’I have a rabbit.(我有一只兔子。
)·river/ ‘’This is a long river.(这条河很长。
)·sun/ ‘’The sun was shining.(阳光照耀。
)·snake/ ‘’I hava a snake.It''s long.(我有一条蛇,它很长。
)·tiger/ ‘’It''s a tiger.(这是一只老虎。
)·tire/ ‘’Install the wheel and tire assemblies.(安装车轮和轮胎总成。
)Unit 5(12个单词)他穿上制服显得很英俊。
·uniform/ ‘’He looks handsome in uniform.(他穿上制服显得很英俊。
)·UFO/ ‘’I saw a UFO last night.(昨天看见UFO了。
)·van[væn] / n. 客货车;厢式送货车;面包车The driver got out of his van.(司机从货车上下来。
)·vest/ ‘’It is a very nice vest.(它是一件非常漂亮的马甲。
)·window/ ‘’I opened a shuttered window.(我打开了一扇百叶窗已合上的窗户。
)·wall/ ‘’This wall is made up of oddly shaped bricks.(这道墙由形状不规则的砖砌成。
)·box/ ‘’The cardboard box was crushed.(纸箱子压扁了。
)·ox/ ‘’This ox is mine.(这头公牛是我的。
)·yogurt/ ‘’There''s a yogurt left if you''re still hungry.(如果你还饿的话,还有一份酸奶。
)·yard/ ‘’The wind drifted the leaves across our yard.(树叶随风飘过我们的院子。
)·zebra/ ‘’A zebra has stripes.(斑马身上有条纹。
)·zoo/ ‘’She is at the zoo.(她在动物园里。
)Unit 6(26个单词)你喜欢苹果吗?·apple/ ‘’Do you like apples?(你喜欢苹果吗?)·box/ ‘’The cardboard box was crushed.(纸箱子压扁了。
)·cow/ ‘’A mature cow has horns.(成年奶牛有犄角。
)·desk/ ‘’On the desk.(在课桌上。
)·elephant/ ‘’His tour de force is an elephant sculpture.(他的精心之作是一件大象雕塑。
)·flag/ ‘’Hoist the flag to the top of the pole.(把旗升到旗杆顶端。
)·gift/ ‘’Please accept this little gift as a souvenir.(请留下这个小小礼物作为纪念。
)·head/ ‘’My head hurts.(我的头受伤了。
)·ice/ ‘’The ice is melting.(冰正在融化。
)·juice/ ‘’I am thirsty. I want some juice.(我饿了。
)·king/ ‘’It is my destiny one day to be king.(我命中注定有一天要成为国王。
)·leaf/ ‘’These trees come into leaf in February.(这些树二月里长叶子。
)·monkey/ ‘’Act like a monkey.(扮演一只猴子。
)·net/ ‘’The ball rolled into the net.(球滚进了网中。
)·orange/ ‘’Do you like orange?(你喜欢橙子吗?)·panda/ ‘’It is well known that bamboo shoots are a panda''s staple diet.(竹笋是熊猫的主要食物,这是人所共知的。
)·queen/ ‘’She met the Queen last week.(上周她受到了女王的接见。
)·river/ ‘’This is a long river.(这条河很长。
)·ship/ ‘’The ship has docked.(船已经靠码头了。
)·tiger/ ‘’It''s a tiger.(这是一只老虎。
)·UFO/ ‘’I saw a UFO last night.(昨天看见UFO了。
)·van/ ‘’The driver got out of his van.(司机从货车上下来。
)·window/ ‘’I opened a shuttered window.(我打开了一扇百叶窗已合上的窗户。
)·ox/ ‘’This ox is mine.(这头公牛是我的。
)·yogurt/ ‘’There''s a yogurt left if you''re still hungry.(如果你还饿的话,还有一份酸奶。
)·zebra/ ‘’A zebra has stripes.(斑马身上有条纹。