2017版建设工程施工合同(中英文对照)ConTRACT FOR ConSTRUCTION PROJECT学术交流请私信或评论留言目录 Table of Contents第一部分 合同协议书Part One Contract Agreement第二部分 通用合同条款General Conditions1. 一般约定General Provisions2. 发包人 Employer3. 承包人 Contractor4. 监理人 Supervisor5. 工程质量Quality of Work6. 安全文明施工与环境保护7. 工期和进度Program and Progress8. 材料与设备Material and Plant9. 试验与检验Test and Inspection10. 变更Amendment and Variation11. 价格调整Price Adjustment12. 合同价格、计量与支付Contract Price, Measurement and Payment13. 验收和工程试车Acceptance and Commissioning14. 竣工结算Settlement on Completion15. 缺陷责任与保修Defects Liability and Remedy Warrantee16. 违约 Default17. 不可抗力Force Majeure18. 保险 Insurance19. 索赔 Claims20. 争议解决Dispute Resolution部分章节示例如下:2.3 发包人人员 Employer’s personnel发包人应要求在施工现场的发包人人员遵守法律及有关安全、质量、环境保护、文明施工等规定,并保障承包人免于承受因发包人人员未遵守上述要求给承包人造成的损失和责任。
The employer should require its personnel on site to abide by the laws and regulations of safety, quality, environmental protection, ordered construction and so on, and indemnify the contractor against the loss and liability due to the employer personnel to observe above requirements.The employers personnel include its representative and other personnel dispatched by the employer to the site.2.4 施工现场、施工条件和基础资料的提供Provisions of the site, conditions of construction and basic data2.4.1 提供施工现场 Provision of construction site除专用合同条款另有约定外,发包人应最迟于开工日期7天前向承包人移交施工现场。
Unless otherwise stipulated in the particular condition the employer should no later than seven days prior to the commencement date hand over the site to the contractor.2.4.2 提供施工条件 Provision of construction conditions除专用合同条款另有约定外,发包人应负责提供施工所需要的条件,包括:Except otherwise stipulated in particular condition the employer should provide the necessary conditions for construction including:(1)将施工用水、电力、通讯线路等施工所必需的条件接至施工现场内;The facilities of water, power and communication lines, which necessary for construction, should be connected into the site.(2)保证向承包人提供正常施工所需要的进入施工现场的交通条件;Ensure to provide the contractor with the normal and usual transportation and communication conditions necessary for entering the site.(3)协调处理施工现场周围地下管线和邻近建筑物、构筑物、古树名木的保护工作,并承担相关费用;Coordination of treatment for the underground pipelines around the site in addition to the protection of the adjacent buildings, structures and famous trees and undertake related costs thereof.(4)按照专用合同条款约定应提供的其他设施和条件。
Provision of other facilities and conditions which should be provided pursuant to the particular condition.2.6 支付合同价款 Payment of Contract Cost发包人应按合同约定向承包人及时支付合同价款。
The employer should as per contract agreement make any contract cost in time.2.7 组织竣工验收 Organizing Completion Acceptance发包人应按合同约定及时组织竣工验收。
The employer should as per contract agreement organize the completion acceptance in time.2.8 现场统一管理协议 Agreement of Unified Management on Site发包人应与承包人、由发包人直接发包的专业工程的承包人签订施工现场统一管理协议,明确各方的权利义务。
The employer should, with the contractor and the subcontractor of particular items which directly contracted by the employer, conclude and enter into the agreement of unified management on site, for making definition of the rights and liabilities of the respective parties and deemed as the annex to the terms of particular contract.3. 承包人 Contractor3.1 承包人的一般义务 General Liabilities of Contractor承包人在履行合同过程中应遵守法律和工程建设标准规范,并履行以下义务:The contractor should in the course of the performance hereof comply with the laws and the standards / norms respecting to engineering construction in addition to the performance of following obligations:(1)办理法律规定应由承包人办理的许可和批准,并将办理结果书面报送发包人留存;Effect the procedures for approval and sanction, which should be effected by the contractor under the provision of law and submit the result of procedure to the employer in writing for its deposition on file.(2)按法律规定和合同约定完成工程,并在保修期内承担保修义务;Effect the completion of works pursuant to legal regulations and contract agreement in addition to assume the warranty liabilities within the maintenance period.(3)按法律规定和合同约定采取施工安全和环境保护措施,办理工伤保险,确保工程及人员、材料、设备和设施的安全;Shall pursuant to legal regulations and contract agreement take the measures of construction safety and environment protection, process the work’s injury insurance so as to ensure the safety of engineering and personnel, materials, equipment and facilities.(4)按合同约定的工作内容和施工进度要求,编制施工组织设计和施工措施计划,并对所有施工作业和施工方法的完备性和安全可靠性负责;Shall subject to the work’s contents stipulated in contract and the requirement of engineering progress, prepare the construction organization design and measures plan, take liabilities for the completeness, safety and reliability of all operations and work’s methods.(5)在进行合同约定的各项工作时,不得侵害发包人与他人使用公用道路、水源、市政管网等公共设施的权利,避免对邻近的公共设施产生干扰。
承包人占用或使用他人的施工场地,影响他人作业或生活的,应承担相应责任;In the period of carrying out any and all works, should not infringe the employers rights of using with other public roads, water sources, municipal pipelines, etc. and avoid interference to adjacent public facilities. The contractor should assume corresponding liabilities for occupation of others works site and affect others works or life.(6)按照第6.3款〔环境保护〕约定负责施工场地及其周边环境与生态的保护工作;Shall liable for the conservations of environment and bionomic at the site and surrounding areas in accordance with Article 6.3 [Environment Conservation].(7)按第6.1款〔安全文明施工〕约定采取施工安全措施,确保工程及其人员、材料、设备和设施的安全,防止因工程施工造成的人身伤害和财产损失;Take the safety measures of construction, in pursuant to Article 6.1 [Safety Working] hereof, to ensure the safety of works and personnel, materials equipment and facilities and prevent personal injury and damage to property due to construction.(8)将发包人按合同约定支付的各项价款专用于合同工程,且应及时支付其雇用人员工资,并及时向分包人支付合同价款;The cost of various items paid by the employer under the provisions hereof should be used for contract works and make payment in time of the salaries of its employees in addition to make payment in time of contract cost to its subcontractors.(9)按照法律规定和合同约定编制竣工资料,完成竣工资料立卷及归档,并按专用合同条款约定的竣工资料的套数、内容、时间等要求移交发包人;Make preparation of completion materials in pursuant to the stipulations of laws and agreements hereof, accomplish the filing and archiving of the completion materials before turning over the same to the employer as the set number, contents and time specified in the particular term and conditions hereof.3.5.3 分包管理 Subcontract Management承包人应向监理人提交分包人的主要施工管理人员表,并对分包人的施工人员进行实名制管理,包括但不限于进出场管理、登记造册以及各种证照的办理。
The contractor should submit the name list of subcontractor’s main managing personnel to the supervisor and conduct the real name system management to subcontractor’s workers including but not limited to the entry site, registration and pass/license of every kind.3.5.4 分包合同价款 Cost and Price of Subcontract除本项第(2)目约定的情况或专用合同条款另有约定外,分包合同价款由承包人与分包人结算,未经承包人同意,发包人不得向分包人支付分包工程价款;Unless otherwise stipulated circumstances in the subsection (2) this article and other agreements in particular condition, the settlement of cost and price on subcontracting will be made between the contractor and subcontractor, the employer shall not, without the consent of the contractor, make payment of subcontracting project to subcontractor.生效法律文书要求发包人向分包人支付分包合同价款的,发包人有权从应付承包人工程款中扣除该部分款项。
Where the legal documents in effect require the employer to pay subcontractor the price of subcontracting, the employer reserve rights to conduct such amount from the payment due and payable to the contractor.3.5.5 分包合同权益的转让Assignment of Rights and Interests on Subcontracting Contract分包人在分包合同项下的义务持续到缺陷责任期届满以后的,发包人有权在缺陷责任期届满前,要求承包人将其在分包合同项下的权益转让给发包人,承包人应当转让。
Where the liability of subcontractor under sub-contract continue to the term after expiration of defects liability period, the employer is entitle, prior to the expiration of defects liability period, require the contractor to transfer its benefit and rights thereof under the sub-contract to the employer and the contractor should do so subject to the requirement of the employer. Unless otherwise stipulated in transfer contract, the liability thereof will be performed by subcontractor to the employer subsequent to effectiveness of transfer contract.3.6 工程照管与成品、半成品保护 Engineering Care and Protection of Finished Product, Semi- Finished Product除专用合同条款另有约定外,自发包人向承包人移交施工现场之日起,承包人应负责照管工程及工程相关的材料、工程设备,直到颁发工程接收证书之日止。
Unless otherwise stipulated by particular condition of contract the contractor should, from and on the day of handing over the construction site to the contractor by the employer, take responsibility of the care of engineering and the materials, equipment therewith until to the day of issuing certificate of engineering receipt.在承包人负责照管期间,因承包人原因造成工程、材料、工程设备损坏的,由承包人负责修复或更换,并承担由此增加的费用和(或)延误的工期。
During the period of the contractor’s care of project, provided that any damage to the project, material and equipment for reasons thereof attributable to the contractor, the contractor should be responsible to repair or replacement and bear added cost arising therefrom or delay term.对合同内分期完成的成品和半成品,在工程接收证书颁发前,由承包人承担保护责任。
The protection responsibility of finished and semi- finished products which are manufactured by installments during the contract period shall, prior to issue of certificate of receipt, be born by the contractor. provided that any damage to finished and semi finished products for reasons thereof attributable to the contractor, the contractor should be responsible to repair or replacement and bear added cost arising therefrom or delay term.3.7 履约担保 Performance Guarantee发包人需要承包人提供履约担保的,由合同当事人在专用合同条款中约定履约担保的方式、金额及期限等。
Where the employer require the contractor provide performance guarantee, the manner, amount, term and others of guarantee will be, between parties thereto, agreed in particular condition of contract. Performance guarantee may adopt the forms of bank guarantee or bonding company’s guarantee, for which specifications thereof will be agreed in particular condition.Provided that if the extension of work term for the reasons attributable to the contractor the increased cost for continuing to provide performance guarantee will be assumed by the contractor, provided however if the reasons of work term extension due to non- contractor, the increased cost for continuing to provide performance guarantee will be assumed by the employer.3.8 联合体Consortium3.8.1 联合体各方应共同与发包人签订合同协议书。
The parties of consortium should commonly enter into and conclude contract agreement with the employer and assume the joint and several liabilities to the employer for the performance of contract.3.8.2 联合体协议经发包人确认后作为合同附件。
Consortium’s agreement will, subject to the employer’s /confirm/iation, deem as appendix to contract and without the employer’s consent during performance, no amendment thereof be allowed.3.8.3 联合体牵头人负责与发包人和监理人联系,并接受指示,负责组织联合体各成员全面履行合同。
The founder or leader of consortium shall be responsible for contact with the employer and the supervisor, and accept the instruction therefrom, in addition to organize all parties of consortium for full performance of contract.4. 监理人 Supervisor4.1监理人的一般规定 General Provision of Supervisor工程实行监理的,发包人和承包人应在专用合同条款中明确监理人的监理内容及监理权限等事项。
For project supervision the contents and authorities of supervision of the supervisor should be, between the employer and the contractor, defined in the specific provisions of particular condition hereof. The supervisor should, subject to the employer’s authorization and legal provision, on behalf of the employer, make checkup, inspection, exam, verify and accept in addition to issue relevant instruction, provided that shall have no authority to amend contract and relieve or exempt the duties and obligations of the contractor which are stipulated in contract.Unless otherwise specified in the particular condition, the office and live place of the supervisor in work site will be provided by the contractor, the cost and expense thereof will be born by the employer.9. 试验与检验 Test and Inspection9.1试验设备与试验人员 Equipment and Personnel for Test / Inspection9.1.1 承包人根据合同约定或监理人指示进行的现场材料试验,应由承包人提供试验场所、试验人员、试验设备以及其他必要的试验条件。
Where the contractor, by virtue of the agreement hereof or the supervisor’s instruction, make the material test on site, the place, personnel, device and other necessary conditions for the test should be provided by the contractor. The supervisor may, when necessary, use the places, equipment and other conditions for test which provided by the contractor, to carry out the material review test for the purpose of quality inspection of the project, for which the contractor should effect assistance thereof.9.1.2 承包人应按专用合同条款的约定提供试验设备、取样装置、试验场所和试验条件,并向监理人提交相应进场计划表。
The contractor should, under the agreement of particular condition hereof, provide the test equipment, sampling device, the place and condition for test, in addition to issue the schedule of entry site.The contractor's test equipment shall conform to the requirements of the relevant test procedures and be checked by a qualified testing unit, and shall be jointly determined by the supervisor and the contractor prior to the official use of the test equipment.9.1.3 承包人应向监理人提交试验人员的名单及其岗位、资格等证明资料,试验人员必须能够熟练进行相应的检测试验,承包人对试验人员的试验程序和试验结果的正确性负责。
The contractor should provide the supervisor with the list of test personnel with the certificate materials of his post, qualification and other. The test personnel should be proficient in testing, and the contractor shall be liable for the correctness of the procedure and result of test by testing personnel.9.2取样 Sampling试验属于自检性质的,承包人可以单独取样。
Where the test is self -checking, the contractor can take samples separately, however, if, the test is of the nature of sampling by the supervisor, which may be sampled by the supervisor or by the test personnel of the contractor under the supervision of the supervisor.9.3材料、工程设备和工程的试验和检验Test and Inspection of Material, Engineering Equipment and Work9.3.1承包人应按合同约定进行材料、工程设备和工程的试验和检验,并为监理人对上述材料、工程设备和工程的质量检查提供必要的试验资料和原始记录。
The contractor shall, pursuant to the agreement of contract, carry out the test and inspection of materials, engineering equipment and works, and provide the supervisor with the necessary experimental data and original records for the quality supervision of the above-mentioned materials, engineering equipment and works. Where the test and inspection shall be carried out by the supervisor and the contractor jointly under contract’s stipulation, the contractor is liable to issue the necessary test data and original records.9.3.2试验属于自检性质的,承包人可以单独进行试验。
Where the test falls within the nature of self checking, the contractor can take samples separately, however, if, the test with the nature of sampling by the supervisor, which may be sampled by the supervisor separately or by the contractor and the supervisor jointly. Where the contractor disagrees with the result of the test conducted by the supervisor separately, may file the application for a new joint test. Where the test should be made jointly under agreement, the supervisor fails to participate in the test under the contract, the contractor may test himself and submit the test result to the supervisor who shall acknowledge the result thereof.