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2023-02-21 来源:断桥铝门窗责任编辑:断桥铝门窗 浏览数:6 门窗网

核心提示:2017版建设项目工程总承包合同(中英文对照)GENERAL CONTRACT OF CONSTRUCTION PROJECT(EPC)学术交流请私信或评论留言总目录 TABLE OF CONTENTS第1条 一般规定Article One General provision第 2 条 发包人Article Two Employer第 3 条 承包人Article Three Contractor第 4 条 进度计划、延误和暂停Article Four Progress schedule, Delay


2017版建设项目工程总承包合同(中英文对照)GENERAL ConTRACT OF ConSTRUCTION PROJECT(EPC)学术交流请私信或评论留言总目录 TABLE OF CONTENTS第1条 一般规定Article One General provision第 2 条 发包人Article Two Employer第 3 条 承包人Article Three Contractor第 4 条 进度计划、延误和暂停Article Four Progress schedule, Delay and Suspension第 5 条 技术与设计Article Five Technology and Design第 6 条 工程物资Article Six Engineering Material第 7 条 施工Article Seven Construction第 8 条 竣工试验Article Eight Completion Test第 9 条 工程接收Article Nine Reception of Work第 10 条 竣工后试验Article Ten Post-completion Test第 11 条 质量保修责任Article Eleven Quality warranty liability第 12 条 工程竣工验收Article Twelve Project completion acceptance第 13 条 变更和合同价格调整Article Thirteen Amendment and contract price adjustment第 14 条 合同总价和付款Article Fourteen Total contract price and payment第 15 条 保险Article Fifteen Insurance第 16 条 违约、索赔和争议Article Sixteen breach, claim and dispute第17 条. 不可抗力Article Seventeen Force majeure第18条 争议解决Article Eighteen Dispute settlement第 19 条 合同生效与合同终止Article Nineteen Contract entry into force and termination第 20 条 补充条款Article Twenty Supplementary Terms部分章节示例如下:第 2 条 发包人 Article Two Employer2.1 发包人的主要权利和义务Main rights and obligations of the employer2.1.1 负责办理项目的审批、核准或备案手续,取得项目用地的使用权,完成拆迁补偿工作,使项目具备法律规定的及合同约定的开工条件,并提供立项文件。
To be responsible for the procedures of examination / approval, ratify or filing of the project, obtain the right to use the land for the project, complete the demolition and compensation work, make the project with the conditions for commencement of construction as stipulated by law and the contract, and provide the documents for the establishment of the project.2.1.2 履行合同中约定的合同价格调整、付款、竣工结算义务。
To fulfill the obligations of adjustment on contract price, payment, completion settlement as stipulated in the contract.2.1.3 有权按照合同约定和适用法律关于安全、质量、环境保护和职业健康等强 制性标准、规范的规定,对承包人的设计、采购、施工、竣工试验等实施工作提出建议、修改和变更,但不得违反国家强制性标准、规范的规定。
The employer shall, in accordance with the provisions of the contract agreement and applicable law on safety, quality, environmental protection and occupational health, etc., have the right to make suggestions, amendments and amendments to the contractor's design, procurement, construction, completion test, etc., however, shall not violate the provisions of the state’s mandatory standards and specifications.2.1.4 有权根据合同约定,对因承包人原因给发包人带来的任何损失和损害,提出赔偿。
The employer shall, as per the stipulations of contract, have the right to make claim for compensation of any loss or damage caused to the employer due to reason of the contractor.2.1.5 发包人认为必要时,有权以书面形式发出暂停通知。
The employer shall have the right to issue the notice of suspension in writing if deems it necessary. Among which, where the suspension due to the employer’s reason causes the increase of cost to the contractor, which will be for account of the employer; if, the critical path is delayed, the completion date should be extended accordingly.2.2 发包人代表 Employer’s representative发包人委派代表,行使发包人委托的权利,履行发包人的义务,但发包人代表无权修改合同。
The employer shall designate a representative thereof to exercise the right entrusted by the employer, and perform the duties of the employer, however, the representative of the employer without the right to amend the contract. The employer's representative shall, within the delegation extent, perform his duties under this contract. The employer’s representative shall, as per the scope and issues agreed upon in the contract, submit written notice to the contractor which signs thereon before sent to the project manager. The name, position and duties of the employer's representative are stipulated in the particular condition. Where the employer decides to replace its representative, he shall submit written notify to the contractor of the name, position, authority and time of appointment of the new representative on 15 days prior to his arrival in office.2.3 监理人Supervisor2.3.1 发包人需对工程实行监理的,监理人的名称、工程总监、监理范围、内容和权限在专用条款中写明。
Where the employer requires the project to be supervised, the name of the supervisor, the chief engineer, the scope, content and authority of supervision shall be specified in the particular condition.The supervisor shall, subject to the scope, content, power and authorities entrusted by the employer and on behalf thereof, carry out the supervision on the contractor. The notice given by the supervisor to the contractor shall be in writing with signature of chief engineer before sending to the contractor for execution and make the copy thereof for the employer.2.3.2 工程总监的职权与发包人代表的职权相重叠或不明确时,由发包人予以协调和明确,并以书面形式通知承包人。
Where the authority of chief engineer overlaps or is unclear with the authority of the employer’s representative, the employer shall coordinate and clarify and notify the contractor in writing thereof.2.3.3 除专用条款另有约定外,工程总监无权改变本合同当事人的任何权利和义务。
Chief engineer have no right to amend or change any rights and obligations of the parties hereto unless otherwise agreed upon in the particular condition.2.3.4 发包人更换工程总监时,应提前5天以书面形式通知承包人,并在通知中写明替换者的姓名、职务、职权、权限和任命时间。
The employer should, if replacement of its chief engineer, notify the contractor in writing five days in advance and state the name, position, authority, power limited and appointment time of the replacement therein.第 3 条 承包人Contractor3.1 承包人的主要权利和义务Contractor's main rights and obligations3.1.1 承包人应按照合同约定的标准、规范、工程的功能、规模、考核目标和竣工日期,完成设计、采购、施工、竣工试验和(或)指导竣工后试验等工作,不得违反国家强制性标准、规范的规定。
本工程的具体承包范围,应依据合同协议书第一项“工程概况”中有关“工程承 包范围”的约定。
The contractor should, subject to the standards, specifications, functions, scale, assessment objectives and completion dates of the project as stipulated in the contract, complete the works of design, procurement, construction, completion of tests and / or guidance for post-completion testing etc. and shall not violate the provisions of the compulsory standards and norms of State.The specific contracted scope of this project shall be subject to the agreement of the "Scope of Project Contracting" of the first item of "Project General View" in the contract agreement.3.1.2 承包人应按合同约定,自费修复因承包人原因引起的设计、文件、设备、 材料、部件、施工中存在的缺陷、或在竣工试验和竣工后试验中发现的缺陷。
The contractor shall, as the stipulations hereof, at his own expense, repair the defects due to the contractor’s reason, in the design, documents, equipment, materials, components, construction, or found in the completion and post-completion tests.3.1.3 承包人应按合同约定和发包人的要求,提交相关报表。
The contractor shall submit the relevant reports as the agreement of contract and the requirements of the contractor, and the category, name, content, reporting period, submission time and number of copies shall be specified in the particular condition.3.1.4 承包人有权根据 4.6.4 款承包人的复工要求、14.9 款付款时间延误和 17 条不可抗力的约定,以书面形式向发包人发出暂停通知。
The contractor shall, in accordance with the article 4.6.4 [Contractor's Request for Resumption of Work], article 14.9 [Delay in Payment] and article 17 [Force Majeure], have the right to issue a notice in writing of suspension to the employer. In addition, the increased cost to the contractor for suspension due to the contractor itself reason shall be for the account of the contractor and the delay of critical path should be expedited at the contractor’s own expense.3.1.5 对因发包人原因给承包人带来任何损失、损害或造成工程关键路径延误 的,承包人有权要求赔偿或(和)延长竣工日期。
The contractor shall have the right to claim compensation or / and extend the completion date for any loss, damage or delay in the critical path of the works caused by the employer.3.2 项目负责人、设计负责人、施工负责人The person in charge of the project, the person in charge of the design, the person in charge of the construction3.2.1 项目负责人、设计负责人、施工负责人,应是当事人双方所确认的人选。
The person in charge of the project, the person in charge of the design and the person in charge of the construction shall be the candidate confirmed by the parties hereto. The project leader being authorized take responsibility for the performance of this contract on behalf of the contractor. The name, responsibility and authority of the person in charge of the project, the person in charge of the design and the person in charge of the construction are stipulated in the particular conditions.3.2.2 项目负责人、设计负责人、施工负责人应是承包人的员工,承包人应在合同生效后10日内向发包人提交项目负责人、设计负责人、施工负责人与承包人之间的劳动合同,以及承包人为项目负责人、设计负责人、施工负责人缴纳社会保险的有效证明,承包人不提交上述文件的,项目负责人、设计负责人、施工负责人无权履行职责,由此影响工程进度或发生其它问题的,由承包人承担责任。
The project leader, design leader and construction leader shall be the contractor’s staff. The contractor shall, within 10 days after the contract becomes effective, submit to the employer the labor contract between and among the project leader, design leader and construction leader and the contractor in addition to the effective certificate of paying social insurance which effected by the contractor for them in charge of the construction. Where the contractor fails to submit the above documents or certificates, the project leader, design leader and construction leader shall not have the right to perform his duties, thereby affecting the progress of the project or other problems shall be borne by the contractor.3.2.3 项目负责人、设计负责人、施工负责人应常驻项目现场,且每月在现场时间不得少于专用条款约定的天数。
The person in charge of the project, the person in charge of design and the person in charge of construction shall be resident at the site of the project, and the time at the site shall not be less than the days number each month which stipulated in the particular conditions and shall not act as the person in charge of other projects at the same time. The person in charge of the project, the person in charge of design and the person in charge of construction shall, when leaving the project site, obtain the consent of the contractor in advance and appoint an experienced person to carry out his duties. If the contractor violates the above-mentioned agreement, he shall be liable for breach of contract in accordance with the stipulations of particular conditions.3.2.4 项目负责人按合同约定的项目进度计划,并按发包人代表和(或)工程总监依据合同发出的指令组织项目实施。
The project leader shall,under project schedule as stipulated in the contract and the instructions issued by the employer and / or chief engineer, organize the implementation of the project. In case of emergency and in the absence of contact with the employer's representative and / or chief engineer, project leader shall have the right to take such measures as may be necessary to ensure the safety of persons, works and property, however, a written report shall be sent to the employer's representative and / or chief engineer within 48 hours after the event.3.2.5 承包人部更换项目经理时,提前 15日以书面形式通知发包人,并征得发包人的同意,继任的项目经理须继续履行第3.2.1款约定的职责和权限。
The contractor shall notify the employer in writing 15 days in advance of the replacement of the project manager and obtain the consent thereof. The successor of project manager shall continue to perform the duties and authority stipulated in article 3.2.1. The contractor may not replace the project manager at its own initiative without the consent of the employer. Where the contractor replaces the project manager without authorization, shall be liable for breach of contract as stipulated in the particular condition.3.2.6 发包人有权以书而形式通知更换其认为不称职的项目经理,应说明更换因由,承包人应在接到更换通知后15日内向发包人提出书面的改进报告。
新任项目经理继续履行第3.2.1款约定的职责和权限 。
The employer shall have the right to notify in writing the contractor to replace the project manager which being deemed incompetent companied with the cause of replacement, and the contractor shall submit a written improvement report to the employer within 15 days upon receipt of the replace notice. Where the employer still notify in writing to replace upon receipt of the improvement report, the contractor shall, within 30 days of receiving the second notice of replacement, effect the replacement and inform in writing the employer of the name and resume of the newly appointed project manager. The new project manager shall continue to perform the duties and powers stipulated in article 工程质量保证 Engineering quality guarantee承包人应按合同约定的质量标准规范,确保设计、采购、加工制造、施工、竣工试验等各项工作的质量,建立有效的质量保证体系,并按照国家有关规定,通过质量保修责任书的形式约定保修范围、保修期限和保修责任。
The contractor shall, as required by the quality standards and specifications stipulated herein, ensure the quality of all works such as design, procurement, processing / manufacturing, construction, completion test and other, establish an effective quality assurance system, and effect agreement on the scope, duration and liability of warranty by the form of quality warranty in accordance with State’s relevant regulations.3.4 安全保证 Safety guarantee3.4.1 工程安全性能Engineering safety function承包人应按照合同约定和国家有关安全生产的法律规定,进行设计、采购、施工、竣工试验,保证工程的安全性能。
The contractor shall, under the stipulations hereof and State’s laws on safety in production, carry out the design, purchase, construction and completion test and ensure the safety performance of the project.3.4.2 安全施工Safety construction承包人应遵守 7.8 款职业健康、安全和环境保护的约定。
The contractor shall abide by the stipulations of article 7.8 [Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental Protection].3.4.3 因承包人未遵守发包人按 2.4.2 款通知的安全规定和位置范围限定所造成的损失和伤害,由承包人负责。
The contractor shall be responsible for any loss or injury due to the contractor's failure to abide by safety regulations and location limits, which are notified by the employer under article 承包人全面负责其施工场地的安全管理,保障所有进入施工场地的人员的安全。
The contractor shall take overall responsibility for the safety management of its construction site and ensure the safety of all personnel entering the construction site. Any personal injury or safety accident due to the contractor’s reason will be the responsibility of the contractor.3.5 职业健康和环境保护保证Guarantee for occupational health and environmental protection3.5.1工程设计Engineering design承包人应按照合同约定,并遵照《建设工程勘察设计管理条例》、《建设工程环境保护条例》及其它相关法律规定进行工程的环境保护设计及职业健康防护设计,保证工程符合环境保护和职业健康相关法律和标准规定。
The contractor shall carries out the designs of environmental protection and occupational health protection of the project in accordance with the contract agreement, and the "Regulations on the Administration of Construction Engineering Survey and Design", the "Regulations on Environmental Protection of Construction Projects" and other relevant legal provisions, and ensure the project complies with laws and standards related to environmental protection and occupational health.4.2 设计进度计划Design progress schedule4.2.1 设计进度计划Design progress schedule承包人根据批准的项目进度计划和 5.3.1 款约定的设计审查阶段及发包人组织的设计阶段审查会议的时间安排,编制设计进度计划。
The contractor shall draw up the design progress schedule subject to the approved project schedule, the time preparation of the design review phase and the design phase review meeting organized by the employer, which is stipulated in article 5.3.1. The design progress schedule shall be executed subsequent to approval by the employer, however, the approval does not mitigate or exempt the contractor from contractual liability.4.2.2 设计开工日期 Commencement date of design承包人收到发包人按 5.2.1 款提供的项目基础资料、现场障碍资料,及 14.3.2 款的预付款收到后的第5 日,作为设计开工日期。
The commencement date will be deemed upon the date on which the contractor receives the basic project information, site barrier information provided by the employer in accordance with article 5.2.1, and the fifth day after the advance payment for article 14.3.2 is received.4.2.3 设计开工日期延误 Delay of design commencement date因发包人未能按 5.2.1 款的约定提供设计基础资料、现场障碍资料等相关资料、 或未按 14.3.1 款和 14.3.2 款约定的预付款金额和支付时间按时支付预付款,造成设计开工日期延误的,设计开工日期和工程竣工日期相应顺延;因承包人原因造成设计开工日期延误的,按4.1.2 款的约定,自费赶上。
Provided that the design commencement date is delayed due to the employer fails to provide the basis information for the design, the field barrier data and other related information under article 5.2.1 or fails to pay the advance payment on time as the amount and time stipulated in article 14.3.1 and 14.3.2, which cause the delay of commencement date, the time of commencement and completion shall be postponed accordingly. The contractor should expedite the delayed work due to its reason at own expense under article 4.1.2. However, the corresponding cost with respect to the contractor’s economic loss due to the employer’s reason shall be for the account of the employer.4.4.2 施工开工日期延误Delay of construction commence date 施工开工日期延误的,根据下列约定确定延长竣工日期:If the construction commencement date is delayed, an extension of the completion date shall be determined subject to following stipulations:(1)因发包人原因造成承包人不能按时开工的,开竣工日期相应顺延。
Where the contractor’s failure of commencement due to the employer’s reason, the dates of commencement and completion of works will be corresponding postponed. Economic loss to the contractor therefore will be paid the corresponding expense.(2)因承包人原因不能按时开工的,需说明正当理由,自费采取措施及早开工, 竣工日期不予延长。
Failure of commencement due to contractor’s reason should be explained the due reason thereof and the contractor should take measure at its own expense to effect commencement as soon as practicable and the completion date shall not be extended.(3)因不可抗力造成施工开工日期延误的,竣工日期相应顺延。
Where the commencement date of construction is delayed due to force majeure, the completion date may be postponed accordingly.4.4.3 竣工日期Completion time(1)承包项目的实施阶段含竣工试验阶段时,按以下方式确定计划竣工日期和 实际竣工日期:Where the implementation phase of the contracted project includes the completion test phase, the planned completion date and the actual completion date shall be determined in the following manner:1)根据专用条款(9.1 款工程接收)约定的单项工程竣工日期,为单项工程的计划竣工日期;工程中最后一个单项工程的计划竣工日期,为工程的计划竣工日期;The completion date of an individual project as stipulation of article 9.1[Taking Over of Work] in the particular condition shall be the planned completion date of the individual project; the planned completion date of the final individual project in the work shall be the planned completion date of the work;2)单项工程中最后一项竣工试验通过的日期,为该单项工程的实际竣工日期;The date of the final completion passing test of an individual project shall be the actual completion date of the individual project;3)工程中最后一个单项工程通过竣工试验的日期,为工程的实际竣工日期。
The date on which the final individual project of the work pass the completion test shall be the actual completion date of the work.(2)承包项目的实施阶段不含竣工试验阶段时,按以下方式确定计划竣工日期和实际竣工日期:Where the implementation phase of the contracted project do not includes the completion test phase, the planned completion date and the actual completion date shall be determined in the following manner:1)根据专用条款(9.1 款工程接收)中所约定的单项工程竣工日期,为单项工程的计划竣工日期;工程中最后一个单项工程的计划竣工日期,为工程的计划竣工日期;The completion date of an individual project as stipulation of article 9.1[Taking Over of Work] in the particular condition shall be the planned completion date of the individual project; the planned completion date of the final individual project in the work shall be the planned completion date of the work;2)承包人按合同约定,完成施工图纸规定的单项工程中的全部施工作业,且符合合同约定的质量标准的日期,为单项工程的实际竣工日期;The date on which the contractor completes all the construction operations in the individual project specified in the construction drawings and conforms to the quality standards stipulated in the contract shall be the actual completion date of the individual project as stipulated in the contract;3)承包人按合同约定,完成施工图纸规定的工程中最后一个单项工程的全部施工作业,且符合合同约定的质量标准的日期,为工程的实际竣工日期。
The date on which the contractor completes all the construction operations of the last individual project in the work specified in the construction drawings and conforms to the quality standards stipulated in the contract shall be the actual completion date of the individual project as stipulated in the contract;

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