close和shut的用法区别视频的文字版内容方便大家复习浏览用方法区别一,闭嘴Shut up!闭嘴也可用来表示惊讶Yeah, and Fiona's pregnant too.是的 菲奥娜也怀孕了Shut up!不是吧A double grandfather.要当两个孩子的外公了-------------------闭嘴二shut your mouthI said shut your mouth!我让你闭嘴也可以表示守口如瓶I kept my mouth shut.我什么都没说Keep his mouth shut.让他闭嘴------------只是表示把嘴合上也可用closehe can't close his mouth all the way.他无法完全合上嘴二,闭眼Close your eyes.闭上眼睛{!-- PGC_COLUMN --}偶尔也有用shut your eyes但极少区别二close 可表示完结They'll close the deal.由他们来完成交易I'm gonna go close the tab.我去结下帐这个用法shut没有区别三shut常用在设备,系统上:I'll shut down the site.我还是把网站关了吧shut off the alarm.关闭警报Shut down any weapons systems.关闭所有武器系统Water shut off. -关水了they're gonna shut the power off to the building.他们要断掉这栋楼的电they shut off the lights.他们把灯给关了四,一些通用的例子Close your books.Shut the book.合上书Close the door.Shut the door.把门关上I'll shut the blinds.close the blinds.我关上百叶窗这是都是可以通用的