铰链门或枢轴门性能测试标准BS EN 947:1999 Hinged or pivoted doors-Determination of the resistance to vertical loadBS EN 947:1999 铰链门或枢轴门-垂直荷载阻力的测定BS EN 948:1999 Hinged or pivoted doors-Determination of the resistance to static torsionBS EN 948:1999 铰链门或旋转门-耐静力扭转的测定BS EN 949:1999 Winddows and curtain walling, doors, blinds and shutters-Determination of the resistance to soft and heavy body impart for doorsBS EN 949:1999 窗和窗帘墙,门,遮帘和百叶窗-对撞击于门的软和重的物体抗性的测定BS 6375英标门窗性能测试标准BS 6375-1 门窗性能-防风雨性的分类和选择及规范指南 Performance of windows and doors.Part 1: Classification for weathertightness and guidance on selection and specificationBS 6375-2 门窗性能-操作和强度特性用分类和选择及规范指南 Performance of windows and doors.Part 2: Classification for operation and strength characteristics and guidance on selection and specificationBS 6375-3 门窗性能-附加性能特性用分类和选择指南和规范 Performance of windows and doors.Part 3: Classification for additional performance characteristics and guidance on selection and specificationEN 13241:2003+A2:2016 Industrial, commercial, garage doors and gates-Product standard, performance characteristicsEN 13241:2003+A2:2016 工业门、商业门和车库门-产品标准、性能特征。
(欧盟CE认证标准)门窗及建筑五金欧盟公告号CE认证/门窗CE认证协调标准汇总 请参考:http://www.hksmartps.com/ce/windowanddoor/4350.html南京睿督公司的专业化的服务及针对性的建议,将为您提供更专业、更全面的门窗CE认证服务。