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2023-02-11 来源:防盗门责任编辑:门窗之家 浏览数:11 门窗网

核心提示:逍遥子:与时消息、与时协同、与时共赢创⽴于2014年的建筑⻔窗幕墙⾏业“⾦轩奖”旨在通过奖项评选促进⾏业的良性竞争,⿎励⾏业先锋企业的“绿⾊、创 新”精神,是⽬前建筑⻔窗幕墙⾏业最具影响⼒的⼤奖。第四届⾦轩奖现已结束评委会初选,旭格成功⼊围“⾏业影响⼒品牌TOP榜”与“技术研发创新产品”(旭格ASE 60/80 TipTronic推拉系统)候选企业之列。Founded in 2014, "Jin Xuan" is the most inflfluential award for con

今日门窗头条:旭格ASE 60/80 推拉系统入围2020“⾦轩奖”

逍遥子:与时消息、与时协同、与时共赢创⽴于2014年的建筑⻔窗幕墙⾏业“⾦轩奖”旨在通过奖项评选促进⾏业的良性竞争,⿎励⾏业先锋企业的“绿⾊、创 新”精神,是⽬前建筑⻔窗幕墙⾏业最具影响⼒的⼤奖。
第四届⾦轩奖现已结束评委会初选,旭格成功⼊围“⾏业影响⼒品牌TOP榜”与“技术研发创新产品”(旭格ASE 60/80 TipTronic推拉系统)候选企业之列。
Founded in 2014, "Jin Xuan" is the most inflfluential award for construction window, door and façade industry today which motivates "Green and Innovation" through fair competition. Now the 4th "Jin Xuan" award has gone through the initial voting by jury. Schüco has successfully entered the 2nd round of evalution for “Most Inflfluential Brand” and “Most Innovative Technical Product ” (Schüco Sliding System ASE 60/80 TipTronic) award.2020年7⽉10⽇9点-8⽉10⽇14点(就是今天,就是现在!)在Fenestration BAU China中国国际⻔窗幕墙博览会官⽅微信平台上开展。
The online-voting for Most Innovative Technical Product will last from July 10th 9:00 a.m to August 10th 14:00 p.m (It's today and Now!) on the offificial wechat platform of Fenestration BAU China.为旭格打call1,添加FBC国际⻔窗幕墙博览会官⽅微信为好友(打开微信,点击“发现”,打开“扫⼀扫”,扫描下⽅⼆维码或者搜索 微信公众号FenestrationBauChina);2,进⼊微信“订阅号”找到“FBC国际⻔窗幕墙博览会”点击菜单栏“⾦轩奖”窗⼝进⼊“⾦轩奖投票”⻚⾯;3,选择“⾦轩奖投票:技术研发创新产品投票”横幅通道,跳转⾄投票界⾯;4,选择您⽀持的产品, 填写您的⼿机联系⽅式,进⾏短信验证;5,提交投票。
The detailed voting regulations are: 1,Add Fenestration BAU China Offificial Wechat account as friend ( open the Wechat, click “Discover”, then fifind “Scan QR Code” to scan the code above or search “FenestrationBauChina” to add the account); 2,Enter the “Subscription Accounts” to fifind “FBC国际⻔窗幕墙博览会”(Fenestration BAU China) , then click “⾦轩 奖”(Jin Xuan Award) on bottom right, enter the page of “⾦轩奖投票”( vote Jinxuan) ; 3,Click the banner for “⾦轩奖投票:技术研发创新产品投票” (Most Innovative Technical Product) to enter the voting page; 4,Select your product and fifill out the mobile number to send SMS verifification; 5,Submit the vote.旭格ASE 60/80智能邂逅便捷视野超群,超高品质INTELLIGENCE MEETS LIGHTNESSUNIQUE OUTLOOK WITHOUT COMPROMISES如何让自然与居家和谐相融?舒适和安防如何与建筑、技术及设计达到同等重要性?作为市场上首个具备推拉和提升推拉功能的系统解决方案,旭格ASE 60/80.HI将这些元素完美兼容,展现创新新一面。
无论是达到被动房标准的隔热性能,对多功能型材的灵活使用,更为纤细的可视面宽度还是智能化传感技术 — 对自由居家空间及安全舒适的追求没有极限。
In what way can nature and living go together ideally? How can comfort and securityachieve the same high level of importance here as architecture, technology anddesign? As the first system on the market that provides both sliding and lift-and-slidefunctions, Schüco ASE 60/80.HI combines these components perfectly, thereby givinga new look to innovation. Whether for thermal insulation to passive house standard,the flexible use of multipurpose profiles, reduced face widths or intelligent sensors –there are no limits to the desire for space and secure comfort.愿景体验自由VISIonFOR A FEELING OF FREEDOM大规格扇尺寸,可达3,5 x 3,2 m或3,2 x 3,5 m,尊享舒适空间体验。
With generous vent units of up 3.5 x 3.2 metres or 3.2 x 3.5 metres,you can experience a new spatial dimension. The interplay withparticularly narrow face widths creates a transparency that blursthe boundary between indoors and outdoors.流畅设计与室内完美相融LINEARDESIGN THAT FITS PERFECTLY INTO THE ROOM旭格ASE 60/80.HI推拉系统清晰流畅的外观得益于高品质铝合金型材极为纤细的可视面宽度。
The clear, slimline appearance of the Schüco ASE 60/80.HI slidingsystem is characterised by particularly narrow face widths madefrom high-quality aluminium. The reduced DesignLine interlocksection of the vents means that frame units recede into thebackground. When used in combination with the level threshold,the boundaries between inside and outside are blurred.精致极简内涵ELEGANCEREDUCED TO THE ESSENTIALS旭格ASE 60/80.HI推拉系统提供引入瞩目的极简系统解决方案,如使用设计型五金组件。
The Schüco ASE 60/80.HI sliding system boasts impressive,puristic system solutions such as the fittings components fromthe DesignLine series. The complete coverage of the fittingsgroove in the vent units ensures a reduced visual appearanceacross the entire height, even when the vents are open.完美简洁的外观PERFECTIonFOR A CLEAR LANGUAGE OF FORM锁闭选项实现干净简洁的外观:技术组件,如外凸螺栓可完全隐藏进外框中。
Locking options make for a perfectly clean look: technicalcomponents such as protruding bolt pins in the outer framecan be completely concealed. The fittings components arefixed in the vent frame instead of the outer frame, ensuringa particularly puristic design.快来为旭格助力吧!门、窗、幕墙,答案就是旭格!Windows, Doors and Façade,there is only one answer: Schüco

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