灵活 — 应对转变的成功之匙Agility – the key to success during times of change.///////////////////我们生活在一个巨变的时代。
///////////////////We are living in times of huge upheaval. The world around us is constantly changing. What is the best way to respond to this? With agility, flexibility and courage – that's what Joachim Löw believes.Changes are easy, at least when something isn't going well. This is because you're simply forced to go in a different direction, change something and rethink. You have nothing to lose and can afford to be brave and try out something new. But when you spend years achieving your best, change is suddenly not so easy.Change brings us further. It drives us forward and makes us better. When we are prepared to constantly change, then we will be better prepared for the challenges of the future. It's worth every bit of effort to invest time in shaping that change, because it will pay off in the end. Let's try out new working methods, take setbacks in our stride and put our ideas into practice. For we see change as an opportunity to do things even better than we did in the past.///////////////////门、窗、幕墙,答案就是旭格!Windows, Doors and Façade,there is only one answer: Schüco!