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2023-02-11 来源:防盗门责任编辑:防盗门 浏览数:7 门窗网

核心提示:短语、句子对于初中生英语学习来说是信息输入的重要组成部分,只有信息积累到一定程度,才能为运用打下基础。以下50组中考英语中的高频短语、词组,供大家备考用!加上之前的50组,整好100组。孩子一定要认真学哦!不会的可以加三好官网微信。词组解析(6)1.start off以……开始,出发;开始They start off early,so that they can catch the train.他们出发得早,可以赶上火车。2.complain about 抱怨You’ve got nothing to c


词组解析(6)1.start off以……开始,出发;开始They start off early,so that they can catch the train.他们出发得早,可以赶上火车。
2.complain about 抱怨You’ve got nothing to complain about.你没什么可抱怨的。
3.take off脱掉Take off your hat.It doesn’t fit you.取下你的帽子,它不适合你。
4.right away马上It’s getting late.Please excuse me,but I must leave right away.时间不早了。
5.in return作为回报He gave her some roses in returnfor her kindness.他送了她一些玫瑰以答谢她的好意。
6.shout at大声说话,大声喊叫Don’t shout at me.Allow me to explain.别对我大吼大叫。
7.Come back 回来It doesn’t matter when you’llcome back.你什么时候回来都没关系。
8.be usedto(doing something)习惯……He is used to getting upearly.他习惯了早起。
9.have the ability to具备……的能力 .I don’t have the ability todo the job well.我不具备做好这项工作的能力。
10.be free from摆脱,免于We must be free from theheavy homework.我们必须从繁重的作业中解脱出来词组练习(6)1.我们该从哪儿开始谈这件事?What shall we ( )this thing with?2.我们都抱怨饭店的劣质服务。
We all ( ) the poor service in the hotel.3.无论多热,他也不会脱掉外衣。
However hot it is,he will not( )his coat.4.我六点醒了,然后马上起床了。
I woke up at six and got up ( ).5.我请他喝酒以酬谢他的帮助。
I bought him a drink ( ) for his help.6.大卫发火了,对着司机吼叫起来。
David lost his temper and ( ) the driver.7.李明在平常回家的时间还没有回来,我感到担心。
I was worried when Li Ming didn’t ( ).8.玛丽习惯了她丈夫的坏脾气。
Mary ( )her husband’s bad temper.9.我相信我有能力组织一次社交聚会。
I believe I ( ) to hold a party.10.她真幸运,一生没有病痛。
She had the good fortune tobe ( ) illness all her life.===================词组解析(7)1.as 1ong as如果,只要,既然As long as it doesn’t rain,we can go.只要不下雨,我们就可以去。
2.apply for申请,请求He applied for a job in the supermarket.他申请超市的一份工作。
3.get upset 难过Don’t get upset.It’s not your fault.别难过,不是你的错。
4.be preparedto do 准备……You must be prepared lo workhard! 你必须认真准备工作。
5.keep…from阻止The heavy rain kept us from coming on time.大雨使我们没有及时到来。
6.give up放弃We should give up smoking in order to keep healthy.为了健康我们必须戒烟。
7.know of熟悉,了解I don’t know the writer,hut I know of him.我不认识这个作家,但我了解他。
8.put out扑灭At last firemen have put out a big forest fire in California.消防队员终于扑灭了加利福尼亚洲的一场森林大火。
9.from then on从那时起From then on she knew she wouldwin.她从那时起就知道自己会得胜。
10.he strictwith严格要求You should be strict with yourselves and spend 1ess time on playinggames and more on study.你应该严格要求自己,少玩游戏多学习。
( )you need me,I’11 stay.2.朋友们力劝我申请那份工作。
My friends suggested thatI(should)( )the job.3.好了,别为你的病烦恼了。
Now,don’t ( ) about your illness.4.如果公共汽车不来,我们必须准备步行。
If the bus doesn’t come,we must ( ) to walk.5.什么都不能阻止他前往。
Nothing can( ) him( )going.6.她将放弃这次旅行。
She will ( )this journey.7.你听说最近几个星期内要演什么戏吗?Do you ( ) any plays that will be on in the next fewweeks?8.你上床前务必熄灯。
Be sure to ( ) the light before you go lo bed.9.从那以后,他在许多方面都给了我很大的帮助。
( ),he helped me a lot in many ways.10.从此我的老师会更加严格。
My teacher will be more ( ) me from now on.===================词组解析(8)1.fall ill生病She have to stay homebecause her son fall i11.因为儿子生病,所以她得待在家里。
2.be grateful to感谢,感激This is Teacher’s Day and a time to be grateful toall teachers.今天是教师节,也是向所有教师致谢的日子。
3.at the age of在……年纪(岁数)In Britain,people get to the vote at the ageof 18.在英国,人们到十八岁有选举权。
4.in place of代替I will go to this meeting inplace of you.我会代替你去参加这次会议。
5.be curiousabout对……感到好奇It is good to be curious aboutthe world around you.对你周围的世界感到新奇是件好事。
6.1ead to导致Too much work and too littlerest often lead to illness.过量的工作和过少的休息会引起疾病。
7.be tired of感到厌倦I am tired of waiting.我等厌烦了。
8.set up建立,建造,创立,竖立People plan to set up somenew factories here.人们计划在这里开办一些新工厂。
9.search for搜索,搜寻After he felt better,he searched for work at thedifferent factories.他感到好些后,就在各工厂找工作。
10.It takes sb.some time to do sth.花费某人多少时间做某事。
It took me half an hour todo the work.完成这项工作花了我半个小时。
She has ( ) for two days.2.对你的安排我非常感激。
I am ( ) you for arranging things.3.他9岁时学会了骑马。
He learned to ride a horse ( )of mine.4.我们班长不在,我代替他的职务.Our monitor is away.I am acting ( ) of him.5.她总爱打听我的工作。
She’s always so( ) my work.6.条条大道通罗马。
All roads ( )Rome.7.老是听人说那事,我们厌倦极了。
We were( ) hearing people say that.8.已成立工作组调查该问题。
A working party has been( ) to look into the problem.9.他在寻找有关那次事故的新信息。
He is( ) some new information about the accident.10.去市中心需要花一个小时。
It ( )an hour ( )go to the center of the city.===================词组解析(9)1.It’s nice/kind of sb.to do…某人做某事太好了It’s kind of you to give meso much help.给予我这么大的帮助,你真是太好了。
2.There is nospace (room)to stand in没有站的地方或空间The bus was so crowded thatthere was hardly room to stand in.公共汽车里挤得几乎连站的地方都没有。
3.1ook up查阅Look up the words in thedictionary when you don’t know what they mean.不知道单词的意思,就要查阅字典。
4.hear from收到来信We are happy to hear from my father,although he is far away from home.虽然父亲远离家里,但是我们很开心能收到他的来信。
5.mistake…for误把……当作……I often mistake him for histwin brother.我经常误把他当作他的同胞弟弟。
6.thanks to多亏……,因为……Thanks to the Great GreenWall,they can growa lot more cotton than before.多亏有了绿色长城,现在他们种的棉花比以前多得多了。
7.make friendswith与……交朋友The students make friendswith one another and usually get on well.学生们相互交朋友,通常相处得很好。
8.because of由于……Because of his carelessness,he lost his money on the way home.由于粗心大意,在回家的路上他把钱丢了。
9.be good/bad for对……有好处/有害Reading books in the sun isbad for your eyes.在太阳下看书对你的眼睛不好。
10.be supposed to do … 应该/被要求干……Students are supposed tostudy hard.学生应该好好学习。
It’s really nice( ) yon to ( )me with my math.2.学校大厅里挤得几乎连站的地方都没有。
The school hall was SOcrowded that there was hardly ( ) to stand in.3.我学会了在字典里查阅新单词的意思。
I have learned how to ( )the new words in the dictionary.4.小杨毕业离校以来,我们从未收到他的来信。
We have never ( ) Xiao rang since he left schoo1.5.魏华把你错当成他的兄弟,是吗?Wei Hua ( )you ( )his brother,didn’t he?6.幸亏有父亲的支持,我才能完成学业并找到一份工作。
( ) my father’s support,I finished my school and found a job.7.他很容易与他人交朋友。
It is easy for him to( ) with others.8.由于生病,他没有来上学。
He didn’t come to school ( ) his illness.9.看电视和电脑的时问太长对我们的身体有害。
Spending too much time on TV and computer is( )our health.10.在学校我们应该在学习方面互相帮助。
When in school,we are ( ) help each other with our study.===================词组解析(10)1.bother sb.to do sth.打扰某人做某事I’m sorry to bother you,but can you tell me the way to thestation?我十分抱歉打扰你,但是你能告诉我怎么去车站吗?2.call sb.sth.We all call him old Wang.我们都称他老王。
3.care about关心 、Don’t you care about this country’s future? 难倒你不关心国家的未来吗?4.catch up withsb.赶上某人My English is poor and I can’t catch up with my classmates.我的英语太差,我赶不上班上的同学。
5.come up with 提出,想出Can you come up with a goodidea? 你能想出一个好办法吗?6.escape from 从……逃跑The prisoners have escaped from the prison.犯人从监狱里逃跑出来。
7.have fundoing玩得高兴I don’t know if mum has anyfun doing housework every day.我不知道妈妈每天做家务是否开心。
8.have…(时间)off放……假People have two days offevery week.人们每个星期有两天的假。
9.how do youlike = what do you think of你对什么的看法How do you like the movie? 你对这部电影有什么看法?10.in one’s opinion某人认为In my opinion,there are more.and more cars and they may do harm to our city.在我看来,越来越多的汽车对我们的城市不利。
The problem has been ( ) for weeks.2.他从小被叫做小虎。
He ( ) Little Tiger from childhood.3.他父母从不关心他的学习。
His parents never ( )his studies.4.他走得太快,我赶不上他。
He is walking too fast and I can’t ( )with him.5.那位科学家想到了一个新的计划。
The scientist( )with a new plan.6.有一些气体从管子里冒出。
Some gas is ( )the pipe.7.我们玩英语游戏很开心。
We ( ) playing English games.8.他因为生病要请一个月的假。
He will have to ( )a month( ) because of his illness.9.你对这本书有什么看法?( ) likethe book?10.他认为,他的老板对他太苛刻。
In ( ) ,his boss is too strict with him.

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