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核心提示:Lesson46 My Dream1.Do you have any dreams or interests? What are they?你有梦想或兴趣吗?它你是什么?1.1dream梦想; interest兴趣,都是可数名词。2.What would you like to do but feel afraid to try?你想做但又感到不敢去尝试的是什么?2.1feel afraid to do sth.感到害怕/不敢去做某事。3.My name is Cathy. I love singing

冀教版八年级英语上Unit8 -Lesson46课本重点知识详细讲解A

Lesson46 My Dream1.Do you have any dreams or interests? What are they?你有梦想或兴趣吗?它你是什么?1.1dream梦想; interest兴趣,都是可数名词。
2.What would you like to do but feel afraid to try?你想做但又感到不敢去尝试的是什么?2.1feel afraid to do sth.感到害怕/不敢去做某事。
3.My name is Cathy. I love singing opera. Even when I was a little girl, I dreamed of being an opera singer.我的名字叫凯西。
3.1sing opera唱歌剧3.2opus[ˈəʊpəs]名词,作品,乐曲,复数是operaopera[ˈɒprə]名词,歌剧;歌剧剧本;歌剧艺术;歌剧团;歌剧院。
an opera singer一名歌剧演唱家。
3.4dream of/about(doing) sth.梦想做某事;渴望做某事。
与not, little或never连用时表示“想不到”。
The boy had dreams of being a hero.那个男孩梦想成为英雄。
3.4have a dream做梦。
4.I often sang with my hair brush as my microphone.我常常用木梳作为我的麦克风来演唱。
4.1介词with用法①和……一起;由……陪同;有……在场Would you like to go to the theatre with us?你愿意和我们一起去剧院看戏吗?The money is on the table with the shopping list.钱和购物清单都在桌子上呢。
②随着With time passing by, they have grown into big boys and girls.随着时间的流逝,他们都长成大小伙子和大姑娘了。
The shadows lengtheded with the approach of sunset.随着太阳下落,影子也逐渐伸长。
③带有(可以作定语,也可以表伴随)We need a person with a knowledge of European markets.我们需要一个熟悉欧洲市场的人。
He looked at her with a hurt expression.他带着受伤的神情看着她。
④用(表示使用工具或器具)It is easy to translate with a dictionary.借助字典进行翻译就会很容易。
You can see it with a microscope.用显微镜就能看见它了。
⑤因为;由于The small child trembled with fear.这小孩吓得直打哆嗦。
It is very stuffy in the room, with all the windows closed.由于窗户都关着,屋子里非常闷。
⑥尽管With all her faults he still loves her.尽管她有那么多缺点,可他仍然爱着她。
⑦用以表示方式、情况、环境或条件I'll do it with pleasure.我很高兴做这件事。
She fell asleep with the light on.她开着灯睡着了。
5.My family is poor, and I never had any singing lessons.我的家里很穷,我从没有上过声乐课。
5.1have some singing lessons上一些声乐课。
6.But I taught myself by listening to the radio and watching TV programs.但是我通过听收音机,看电视节目自学。
6.1teach oneself自学=learn...by oneself6.2by的用法6.2.1by + 地点By + 地点,意为“靠近,在…旁边”,相当于 beside,at the side of,next to,close to,例如:I live by a football stadium.我住在足球场旁边。
The telephone is by the window.电话在窗户旁边。
注意:near 和 by 意思相近,但是 by 通常指更近的地方,例如:大卫住在火车站附近。
David lives by a train station.David lives near a train station.解析:当用 by 时,表示火车站就在边上,而用 near 时,表示邻近的地方。
6.2.2by + 运输方法①By + 运输方法,表示如何到达某个地方,常见的运输方法有 train,car,boat,plane,taxi,bus 和 coach 等,例如:My parents often go to France by boat.我父母经常乘船去法国。
It’s easier to get there by car.开车去那里比较容易。
注意:by 与运输方法之间不能有如 a/an,the,some,my 或 his 等之类的其他限定词;当 by 与运输方法之间有其他限定词时,用介词 in 或 on,例如:芭芭拉正在安的车里旅行。
Barbara is travelling in Ann’s car. (正确)Barbara is travelling by Ann’s car. (错误)②当表示靠步行到达某个地方时,用 on foot,而不用 by foot,例如:I used to go to work on foot.我往常都是步行去上班。
He vainly hope to travel round the world on foot.他梦想步行周游世界。
6.2.3by + 通信方法表示如何与他人交流,常见的通信方法有 telephone,fax,mail 和 post 等,例如:I'll send the original to you by post.我将把原件邮寄给你。
6.2.4by + 付款方式By + 付款方式,表示如何付款,常见的通信方法有 credit card 和 cheque 等,例如:It is very convenient to pay by credit card.用信用卡付款非常方便。
I have no cash with me, may I pay by cheque?我没有带现金,可以付支票吗?注意:用现金支付时,不能用 by cash,而用 in cash,而且在口语中,in 有时可以省略,例如:假如你支付现金的话,我会不胜感激。
I would appreciate it if you paid by cash. (错误)I would appreciate it if you paid in cash. (正确)6.2.5by 与被动语态在被动语态中,by 表示谁执行了动作,例如:大卫正在打扫厨房。
David is cleaning the kitchen. (主动)→The kitchen is being cleaned by David. (被动)我被那响声吓坏了。
The noise frightened me. (主动)→I was frightened by the noise. (被动)6.2.6by + 反身代词By + 反身代词,表示单独做某事,总共有8个反身代词 myself,yourself,himself,herself,itself,ourselves,yourselves 和 themselves,有时用 all 来表示强调,例如:Let’s do something by ourselves.让我们自己做点什么吧。
I was all by myself in the house last night but I didn’t mind.昨晚我一个人在屋里,但我不介意。
6.2.7by + V-ingBy + V-ing,描述了如何做某事,它提供了更多关于如何实现特定结果的信息,例如:You can turn onthe radio by pressing that button.按那个按钮你可以打开收音机。
6.2.8by + 时间表达式By + 时间表达式,用来暗示不迟于某个时间做完某事,也就是这个时间点是做完某事的最后时间,通常后面接确定的时间,如几点或星期几等,意为”不迟于“,例如:Guests must vacate their hotel rooms by 11 am.客人必须在上午11点前离开酒店房间。
Please send us the payment by tomorrow.请在明天之前把货款寄给我们。
They said that the plumber would be here by Monday.他们说水管工星期一会到。
The postman is always here by 11 am.邮递员总是在上午11点以前到这儿。
注意:此时的 by 与 before 的在时间上是有很大差别的,例如:a. She has to submit her homework before Friday.b. She has to submit her homework by Friday.解析:句a的内在意思是作业最迟必须在星期四交上来,而句b的内在意思是作业必须在星期五午夜前交,两句差了12个小时,所以它们表示的截止时间还是有差距的,要认真使用,特别是在上级交代下属任务的时候。
6.2.9by + 数量或度量By + 数量或度量,用来讨论度量和数量的增减,例如:The price of fuel has increased by 12% this year.今年燃料价格上涨了12%。
The room measures fifteen feet by twenty feet.房间15英尺宽20英尺长。
It was getting worse by the minute .情况急速恶化。
当用于表示购买、出售或测量某物的时间或数量时,by 后面常跟如 day,hour 或 metre 等基本计量单位,此时在 by 和计量单位之间加定冠词 the,且经常跟 pay 或 sell 连用,意为“按…计算(出售)”等,例如:They're paid by the hour.他们的报酬是按小时计算的。
We only sell it by the metre.我们只按米出售。
6.2.10by + 人体部位或物的部分By + 人体部位或物的部分,表示触及或抓住的人或物的部分,例如:She seized her by the hair.她揪住她的头发。
Pick it up by the handle!抓着手柄把它提起来!6.2.11by 用来补充有关出生地、职业等的信息用于提供更多关于某人来自何处、某人做什么等的信息,例如:He was an electrician by profession.他的职业是电工。
6.2.12by + 特殊的名词By + 特殊的名词,表示原因,常见的特殊的名词有 chance,mistake 和 misadventure,意为“由于”,例如:I sawthe letter purely by chance.我看见这封信纯属偶然。
He has been arrested by mistake.警方误抓了他。
6.2.13by 表示经过By 表示经过,相当于 pass,例如:He walked by me without speaking.他一言不发地从我身边走过。
此时的 by 也常用作副词,例如:He hurried by without speaking to me.他没和我说话就匆匆过去了。
Time goes by so quickly.时光飞逝。
6.2.14by 意为“从…看,依,按照”此时相当于 according to,例如:By law, you are a child until you are 18.按照法律规定,18岁之前是未成年人。
By my watch it is two o'clock.我的表是两点钟。
6.2.15by 用于乘除运算5 multiplied by 3 equals 15.5乘以3等于15。
15 divided by 3 equals 5.15除以3等于5。
6.2.16by 表示短暂拜访此时 by 是副词,例如:You just go on ahead. I'll come by later.你只管先往前走。
Drop by sometime.有空儿来坐坐。
7.One year, our school organized a talent show. Some students wanted to tell jokes, and others wanted to dance.有一年,我们学校组织了一场才艺秀。
7.1a talent show一场才艺秀。
7.2tell jokes讲笑话。
7.3some...other...一些……又一些8.I wanted to sing, but I wasn't confident.我想唱歌,但是我没有自信。
be confident of对……有把握。
9."Maybe I'm not good enough to be a singer," I said to myself.“也许我还没有优秀到能成为一名歌手,”我对自己说。
9.1“+...enough+(...)+to do sth...” 意为“.…..足够.... ......,①这个句型中,enough意为“足够的”表示刚好达到某种程度、数量等。
Do you have enough money to buy a computer?你有足够的钱买电脑吗?②该句型的是否定形式:"not+形容词/副词+enough(+..)+to do sth.”My son was not good enough to pass the final exams.我儿子功课不好,期末考试没通过。
③...+enough(+名词)+(for+名词/代名词) +to do sth.句型中有时会出现“for+名词/代名词”,表示“对.....而言”。
Please write clearly enough for me to read next time.请你下次写清楚,好让我看明白。
10.My teacher encouraged me to take part in the show.我的老师鼓励我参加表演。
10.1encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人干某事。
10.2take part in the show.参加表演。
11."Your voice sounds beautiful. Believe in yourself."“你的声音听起来好极了。
”11.1voice名词,嗓音; (动词的)语态; 呼声,发言权; 歌唱才能。
voice 相关词组in a low voice低声地;with one voice : 异口同声地;lift up ones voice : 高声叫喊, 大声疾呼;at the top of ones voice : 高声地;放声地;raise ones voice : 提高嗓门说, 生气地大声说;find ones voice : 能说话了。
sound11.2sound连系动词,sound+形容词,听起来……11.3believe in信任;信赖。
believe in oneself 相信某人自己。
12.I chose my favourite opera song and practiced every day.我选择了我最喜欢的歌剧曲目并且每天练习。
12.1practice doing sth.练习做某事。
13.The day of the talent show came. I waited and waited.Some students were really good. Their performances were excellent. "Would I sound good?" I felt a little nervous.才艺秀的日子到来了。
13.2excellent形容词,杰出的,优秀的=very good13.3fell a little nervous.感到一点儿紧张。
14.Finally, it was my turn. I stood on the big stage.The lights were so bright, and there were so many people in front of me.最后,轮到我了。
14.2in front of在……前面。
15.I felt my heart beating so fast!我感到我的心脏在飞快地跳动!15.1fell sb./sth. doing sth.感到某人某物正在……16.Then I saw my teacher smiling and my friends waving at me.然后,我看见我的老师在对我微笑,我的朋友们在对我招手。
They were there with me!他们就在那里,和我在一起!Slowly I began to relax.慢慢地,我开始放松。
The music started and I began to sing.音乐奏起,我开始演唱。
16.1see sb. doing sth.看见某人正在干某事。
16.2smile at sb.对/朝某人微笑。
16.3wave at sb.在向某人挥手①wave to 表示向某人挥手过去,强调一个动作;②wave at 表示在和某人挥手,强调一种状态。
17.When my song was over, all of the students clapped loudly.They all loved it!当唱完一首歌的时候,所有学生都大声地鼓掌。
他们都喜欢我的歌!17clap loudly大声地鼓掌。
18.After the show, my friends came to see me. "Well done, Cathy! You will be a real opera singer someday."表演过后,我的朋友们来看我。
”18.1Well done干得好;做得漂亮。

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