easel /ˈiːzl/n. 画架;黑板架from Middle Dutch esel, from Latin asinus "ass"; the comparison being of loading a burden on a donkey and propping up a painting or canvas on a wooden stand.画家绘画时把画板或蒙画布的框子斜放在画架上面,在17世纪荷兰画家看来,画架好比一头役畜(beast of burden),“驴”是人们用来驮货物的,而“画架”是人们用来背画板的,用处很相似,所以他们就用荷兰语中表示“驴”的ezel 一词称之。
16 世纪是荷兰艺术的繁荣时期,和easel一同在17世纪从荷兰语进入英语的美术用语有landscape(风景面)和lay figure(人体模型)等。
easel英语在习惯上常用役畜及其它动物名称来喻指用具,诸如 clotheshorse (晾衣架),sawhorse (锯木架),crane (起重机), monkey wrench (活扳手),donkey engine (辅助发动机)。
例句:n this room you can also find Aleksandr's easel and palettes.在这个房间你也可以发现亚历山大的画架和调色板。
I took it from the easel and held it up to the Windows.我把画从画架上取下来,把它举到窗户前。