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2023-02-09 来源:防火门责任编辑:门窗之家 浏览数:2 门窗网

核心提示:本期编辑/上海雅舍辛乙堂Yashe Studio———————————炎炎夏日,最令人上瘾的,莫过于满屋的凉气。无论在家里、办公室,还是商场里,空调、风扇,简直一刻都不能停。In hot summer, the most addictive thing is the cool air in the house. No matter at home, in the office or in the shopping mall, the air conditioner and the fan can hard


本期编辑/上海雅舍辛乙堂Yashe Studio———————————炎炎夏日,最令人上瘾的,莫过于满屋的凉气。
In hot summer, the most addictive thing is the cool air in the house. No matter at home, in the office or in the shopping mall, the air conditioner and the fan can hardly stop for a moment.面对高温天气,一些城市别出心裁,开放防空洞,“让洞于民,避暑纳凉”,供人们在里面读书、上网。
In the face of high-temperature weather, some cities have opened air raid shelters in a creative way to "let the people live in the shelter and enjoy the cool in the summer", so that people can read books and surf the Internet inside. 常去旅行的人,则对古建筑的妙处深有体会。
Those who often travel have a deep understanding of the beauty of ancient buildings. Whether it is a palace, a palace or an old residence, it seems that you can immediately throw the heat out of your body and enter another quiet and cool world with one step. It makes you feel refreshed and bright.畅快之余,也会有疑问:为什么那些古老的建筑能在如此高温的天气里,充当着“天然空调房”?我们的祖先,又在哪些意想不到的地方,安放了令人叹为观止的智慧?In addition to the pleasure, there will also be questions: why can those ancient buildings act as "natural air-conditioning rooms" in such hot weather? In what unexpected places did our ancestors place amazing wisdom?木构:与阳光不即不离在中国的古建筑中,屋檐是一大特色层层叠叠的挑檐营造出恢宏的气势,尤其在宫殿屋顶 转角处,四角翘伸的挑檐如凤鸟展翅,既显雍容又轻盈飘逸。
In Chinese ancient architecture, the eaves are a major feature. The layers of overhanging eaves create a magnificent momentum. Especially at the corner of the palace roof, the overhanging eaves at the four corners are like a phoenix spreading its wings, showing both grace and lightness.其实,挑檐不仅造型美观,还有一项非常实用的功能——夏季,它能避免阳光在正午照入室内;冬季,正午的阳光又恰好能够进入建筑的最深处——小小的屋檐体现了古人的智慧。
In fact, the overhanging eaves are not only beautiful in shape, but also have a very practical function - in summer, it can prevent sunlight from entering the room at noon; In winter, the noon sun can just enter the deepest part of the building - the small eaves reflect the wisdom of the ancients. 以北京地区为例,夏季的正午太阳高度约76度,冬季约27度。
在这样的条件下,把屋檐向外挑出一定尺寸就可以调节阳光的照射效果:Taking Beijing as an example, the height of the sun at noon in summer is about 76 degrees and that in winter is about 27 degrees. Under such conditions, the effect of sunlight can be adjusted by projecting the eaves outward by a certain size:夏季,当早晨气温较低时,阳光可以照进建筑内部;到了正午太阳位于正上方时,就只能照到檐柱外侧,热量被隔绝在了建筑外部,室内自然凉爽。
In summer, when the temperature is low in the morning, the sun can shine into the interior of the building...In winter, with the rise of the sun, the interior of the building gradually receives light. At noon, the sun shines on the innermost wall of the room, making the room warm.中国古建筑具有独特的梁架结构。
Chinese ancient architecture has a unique beam frame structure. High grade buildings often use the lifting beam type, that is, the sloping roof is formed by erecting beams on the columns and lifting them layer by layer. 坡屋顶的形式使得古建筑的顶部出现了一个架空层,太阳辐射的热量必须经两次缓冲与降温:先通过屋顶泥背层进入屋顶,再经过天花板之上架空层的过渡才能继续往下传至地面。
The form of sloping roof makes an overhead layer appear on the top of the ancient building. The heat radiated by the sun must be buffered and cooled twice: first, it enters the roof through the mud back layer of the roof, and then it can continue to be transmitted to the ground through the transition of the empty layer above the ceiling. 此外,在紫禁城古建筑屋顶的木板基层上还分层铺墁各种泥背,如护板灰、青灰、麻刀泥等。
In addition, the wooden base course of the roof of the ancient buildings in the Forbidden City is also paved with various kinds of mud backs, such as guard board ash, bluish grey and machete mud. The mud back material itself is not conducive to heat conduction. 优秀的建筑如同优秀的人,是内外兼修的。
Excellent buildings, like excellent people, are both internal and external. The consideration for the residents comes not only from the gorgeous cornices and layers of exquisite beams, but also from the thick and inconspicuous walls. 另外,古建工程会在墙内采用“填馅”的做法:墙的两侧为整砖砌筑,中间用碎砖、碎石填充,并留有一些空隙,不仅节省了材料,还有利于阻隔外部热量传递。
In addition, the ancient construction project will adopt the method of "filling" in the wall: the two sides of the wall are built with whole bricks, and the middle is filled with broken bricks and crushed stones, and some gaps are left, which not only saves materials, but also helps to block external heat transfer.布局:坐北朝南,背山面水紫禁城是中国现存规模最大的古建筑群。
The Forbidden City is the largest existing ancient architectural complex in China. The emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties asked about politics and life here. Craftsmen should not only improve the Royal dignified appearance, but also ensure that they can enjoy the cool in the summer. 中国皇宫的布局大多是坐北朝南。
The layout of Chinese imperial palaces is mostly facing south. According to the book of changes, "the sage listens to the world from the South and governs to the Ming Dynasty". It means that the emperor of Shengming sits facing south, facing the sun to govern the country. 太和殿南立面有11个开间,每个开间均设有隔扇门或窗,这种做法也很符合中国的地理和气候特点。
There are 11 bays on the south facade of Taihe hall, and each bay is equipped with a partition door or window, which is also in line with the geographical and climatic characteristics of China. In summer, the high-pressure center is located in the Southeast Pacific Ocean. 在这种地理条件下,故宫对建筑朝向的设计最为适宜:面朝南侧、开设窗户有利于夏季通风,北侧封闭则有利于冬季御寒。
Under such geographical conditions, the design of the orientation of the Palace Museum is most suitable: facing the south, opening windows is conducive to ventilation in summer, and closing the north side is conducive to cold protection in winter.除了坐北朝南外,紫禁城还有一个布局特点是背山面水。
In addition to facing south, the Forbidden City also has a layout feature of facing the water behind the mountain. "Mountain" refers to the Jingshan mountain on the north side of the Forbidden City, and "water" refers to the neijinshui River in the south of the city. 从气流组织的角度来看,紫禁城北部有景山遮挡,所以与山垂直的气流不会很顺畅,而与山平行的气流则顺畅无比。
From the point of view of air distribution, the north of the Forbidden City is blocked by Jingshan mountain, so the air flow perpendicular to the mountain will not be very smooth, while the air flow parallel to the mountain will be extremely smooth.

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