▼店铺外观,exterior view of the store Angelot is a patisserie located in Xiasha Hangzhou. The original site owns multiple disadvantage, for instance, a basement shaft blocked almost 1/3 of the storefront; the store front is recessed from the architecture facade; the full height interior window is not facing a very pleasant view.▼场地原貌,the existing site ©say architects在设计的时候我们不想仅仅是对这些不利条件进行隐藏,而希望能够用一个想法将场地现状利用串联起来 —— 逐渐展开的仪式感空间。
Instead of simply hiding all these disadvantages, we try to use them and connect them with a simple concept — a gradually disclosed sense of ritual.We arranged a curve entry route leading to the door, entering the store, the first space is ordering and display area, passing through this area, the most important space, the dining area, appears gradually.▼平面图,plan ©say architects沿用这种逐渐展开的空间处理方式,在店铺门头处理上,我们利用本是劣势的建筑外立面造型石材形成了对店铺门头的框景。
Following this gesture, we make the architecture facade a frame for the storefront instead of simply become a disadvantage. The store front is covered with customized curve tiles, the entry route is like an opening pushed open from the facade, gently leads guests to the patisserie.▼弧形入口路线柔和地引导客人进入室内,the curved form of the entrance gently invites the customers in ©张昊▼以弧面定制瓷砖覆盖的墙面,the wall cladded with customized curve tiles ©张昊在剖面处理上,我们也设置了三种不同的高差。
这种感受就仿佛穿过一条小路进入秘密花园, 通过暗示和引导将空间逐步展现给客人.▼剖面图,section ©say architectsWe also designed a changing clearance along the route. The entry level has the lowest height and the dining area has the highest, this changing clearance enhanced the atmosphere of entering the space. It’s a path leading towards a secret garden which slowly unfolds spaces to guests.▼点餐区的吧台仿佛一整块石材的干净切割,形成了功能明确的三个分区,The reception is like three clean cuts of a huge stone, represents three different area ©张昊▼点餐区旁的座位,dining area near the bar ©张昊▼室内细部,interior detailed view ©张昊▼甜品陈列柜,dessert showcase ©张昊在用餐区,我们沿用了弧形元素,用曲面定制GRC软化了两侧墙体,半透明窗帘遮挡住室外景色,4棵柠檬树将室外环境带入室内,形成了一个柔软私密的用餐空间。
In the dining area, we soften the wall with customized GRC, the semitransparent curtain block the exterior view but kept the sunlight. 4 lemon trees bring the exterior to interior, forms a soft and private dining space.▼用餐区,dining area ©张昊▼曲面定制GRC墙体,customized GRC wall ©张昊▼柠檬树将室外环境带入室内,the lemon trees bring the outdoor atmosphere to interior ©张昊用餐空间作为整个空间流线的高潮和结尾,没有景观,只感受到光和材质,柔软的光线轻轻触碰曲面墙体,形成褶皱布料一般的材质感受,柠檬树限定并模糊的分隔了不同的餐位,整个空间凝固了一种平静和温柔的氛围。
As the climax of the circulation, the dining area doesn’t have a nice view to see, it only filled with light to be felt. Sun light touches the GRC wall and brings out this fabric like texture out of it, the Lemon tree divides the dining area vaguely, and a peaceful and gentle space is therefore created and kept.▼光和材质, light and texture ©张昊▼室内细节,details ©张昊ANGELOT状况:完成年份:2019面积:150㎡地址:中国杭州项目类型:法式甜品设计公司:say architects主持设计:张岩、单嘉男团队:管晗羽、杭升、梁仕秋、孙紫益空间影像:张昊施工团队:杭州齐天装饰工程有限公司皮具五金:成田手作