The intervention happened in 80 square meters of an overlap in a building of 25 floors located in Leblon, Rio de Janeiro. The biggest challenge was dealing with the pillar found literally in the middle of the considerable space.最终,设计师在空间中加入了一块水泥板,上面用玻璃围合出立方体形状,为空间创造了更多可能性。
That was the premise of the project, to “embrace” the same volume with a cube made of glass superimposed on a new slab, expanding the possibilities of space.建筑材料的选择也与空间设计进行了协调,目的是保持手工制造的氛围。
In the case of construction materials, the space was designed to maintain the feeling of a handmade product.有机的粘土材质包裹了空间,带来自然的气息,商店的外部区域和行人通道均使用了相同的材质,让内外空间充分一致。
Organic products, clay-based, that wrapped the space in a natural way . All the external areas and the pedestrian access was designed to generate a sense of “unity” with the external space.轴侧效果图透视效果图项目信息——项目名称:Haight商店设计团队: MNMA studio年份:2018项目面积:80 m²地区:巴西里约热内卢摄影:Fran Parente