奥斯卡·塞恩斯伯里(OSCAR SAINSBURY)建造了一个光线充足的扩展所谓的亚瑟之家以前由澳大利亚实践奥斯卡塞恩斯伯里建筑师事务所(OSA)的创始人奥斯卡塞恩斯伯里和他的家人居住。
images © Rory Gardiner | @arorygardinerEXPANDING AN HISTORIC HOME IN MELBOURNEThis double-fronted Federation house, an architectural style prevalent around the turn of the 20th century, has been renovated by Oscar Sainsbury Architects to create a more spacious feel. The architects incorporate a carefully-planned series of openings and a strategically introduce addition that connects it to the outdoors. This addition serves as a communal area for family living, with smaller secondary spaces — both indoor and outdoor — such as a study, deck, and garden that extend the central living area. This design emphasizes family bonding while also providing opportunities for personal space.ARTHUR HOUSE: OLD MEETS NEWWith its ‘Arthur House’ extension, Oscar Sainsbury Architects maintains the sturdy and enclosed style of the pre-existing brick structure, which opens to the front of the property. In the middle of the site, a new north-facing deck has been built on the ground floor level. This deck allows for easy outdoor access from both the old and new parts of the building.Meanwhile, the new rear addition is elevated above the ground due to a flood overlay that flows towards the nearby Birrarung, or Yarra River, preventing construction below the existing floor level. This living pavilion is made of timber and glass and opens to the surrounding landscape on three sides. The backyard can be accessed through a series of large concrete steps with double seating benches. Adjacent to the dining table is a large sliding door that completely disappears from view, offering unobstructed views of the backyard and the two large peppercorn trees located at the rear of the property.以可持续精神设计奥斯卡·塞恩斯伯里建筑师事务所(Oscar Sainsbury Architects)设计亚瑟之家扩建部分时,结合了被动式太阳能定向和雨水收集,允许充足的自然光线和交叉通风。
1/4区域地图平面图空间关系图项目信息:项目名称: 亚瑟之家酒店建筑:奥斯卡·塞恩斯伯里建筑师事务所 |@oscarsainsburyarchitects位置: 墨尔本, 澳大利亚竣工时间:2021年摄影:©罗里·加德纳 |@arorygardiner