TABLE OF CONTENTS目录1.0 SCOPE 范围2.0 DEFINITIONS 定义3.0 CODES, REFERENCES, SPECIFICATIONS, AND STANDARD DRAWINGS法规、参考文件、规范和标准图纸4.0 MATERIALS 材料5.0 TRENCHING 管道沟6.0 INSTALLATION 安装7.0 INSPECTION AND TESTING检验和试验8.0 BACKFILL回填9.0 PROCEDURE FOR DISINFECTING WATER MAINS消毒水总管程序部分章节示例如下:2.0 DEFINITIONS 定义2.1 Underground Piping is understood to be assemblies of pipe, flanges, gaskets, fittings, valves and other piping components.地下管系理解为管道、法兰、垫圈、配件、阀门和其他管道配件的组合。
2.2 All dimensions are in millimeters. Elevations are given in meters relative to the local measurement system or referring to a local set point having an elevation of 100.000 which equals 10.50 in the local system.所有的尺寸均为毫米。
2.3 Pipe joints are in principle not shown on the drawings and shall be in accordance with the applicable piping material specification.管道接头原则上没有在图纸上标出,应依据适用的管道材料规范。
2.4 Safe location: an open end of vent or relief piping is located in such a manner that maintenance and/or operating personnel are protected from gas and/or vapor sprays.安全地点:端部没有封口的风管或者卸压管道,它能保护保养和/或操作人员不受气体和/或蒸汽喷射的伤害。
2.5 Branch line: A secondary sewer line used to direct sewer liquids from hubs, dry boxes or catch basis to sewer header lines.支管:二级污水管,用来将集水池、干箱或者窨井处的污水引流到污水总管处。
2.6 Catch basin: An open or grating covered concrete or masonry box designed to receive surface drainage.窨井:无盖或者有隔栅盖的混凝土或者石质箱体,设计用来接受地表的排水。
2.7 Chemical sewer system: A separate sewer system for collection and transmission of one specific type of chemical waste water (e.g. amine sewer)化学污水管系:独立的污水管系,用来收集和输送一种特定类型的化学废水(如胺污水)。
2.8 Production waste water: Storm runoff from contaminated areas, wash water, firewater after use and other non-process waste waters. 生产污水:从污染区流出的雨水、冲洗用水和使用后的消防水和其他非工艺废水。
2.9 Design rainfall: Rate of rainfall in a certain span of time to be handled by the sewer network without causing flooding. The design rainfall has a defined duration and intensity based on a recurrence period.设计降雨量:特定时间范围内由污水系统处理且不会发生漫流的降雨量。
2.10 Drain lines: Above ground collection and transmission lines from process equipment to above receiving points as funnels and hubs. 排水管道:地面上从工艺设备收集并输送到接收点如落水口和集水池的管道。
2.11 Header line: Main sewer line into which branch lines connect. 总管:与支管相连接的主污水管道。
5.0 TRENCHING 管道沟5.1 Underground piping is to be uniformly supported by the bedding soil. Consequently the bedding and backfilling of the trench need special attention to provide the required lateral support. 地下管道应用垫土均匀地支撑。
5.2 This lateral support is essential in order to minimize ovalization or deformation of the pipe under earth and traffic loads.水平支撑对减少管道因负载土层和地面交通的负荷而扁平化或者变形来说非常重要。
5.3 The pipe trench shall be smooth, regular and free from stones or any other hard objects, which may damage the pipe or cause stress concentrations.管道沟应光滑、整齐,没有石头或任何其他硬物,这些石头和硬物能损坏管道或者造成应力过分集中。
5.4 A hard trench bottom immediately under the pipe should be loosened in order to prevent a non-linear support of the pipe, unless about 200 mm "fresh" suitable bedding material has been laid in the trench.如果管道正下方的管道沟底部太硬,应将其疏松,避免对管道造成非线性支撑;也可以在沟底“新”铺上200毫米厚的合适的铺垫材料代替。
5.5 In order to be able to compact the backfill and to have pressures in the fill well distributed and transmitted to the trench walls, the width of the trench at the crown level of the pipe shall be kept to a minimum, i.e.:for diameters up to 250 mm: pipe diameter + 300 mm for larger diameters: pipe diameter + 500 mm为了能压实回填土,并使回填土中的压力均匀地分布和传递到两侧沟壁上,应尽可能地减少管道顶部管道沟的宽度,即:直径250毫米以下的管道,宽度为管道直径+300毫米;对于直径250毫米以上的管道,宽度为管道直径+500毫米。
5.6 From a height above the pipe crown greater then 1.5 times the diameter with a minimum of 300 mm, the trench may have any width.管道顶部以上高度为管道直径(最小300毫米)1.5倍的地方,管道沟的宽度可以是任意尺寸。
5.7 The trench shall be deepend and/or widened at pipe joints so as to facilitate easy access to the coupling.管道接头处的管道沟应加深/加宽,方便管道接头的放置。
5.8 Any water that accumulates in the trench due to rainfall shall be removed by pumping, draining or other means.因下雨导致沟内的积水应通过水泵、排水或其他方式排出。
5.9 The trench shall be dry to at least 200 mm below the surface of the bottom.管道沟底部以下至少200毫米土层应保持干燥。
6.10 P.V.C. and A.B.S. Piping PVC和ABS管道Handling of Cement 粘合剂的处理6.10.1 Keep containers for solvent cements tightly closed except when in use. Avoid prolonged breathing of solvent vapors, and when pipe and fittings are being joined in partially enclosed areas use a ventilating device to attenuate vapor levels. Keep solvent cements, primers and cleaners away from all sources of ignition, heat, sparks and open flame.保持溶剂粘合剂的容器密闭,使用时除外。
6.10.2 Solvent cement and primer shall be stored within an air-conditioned building with a maximum temperature of 27º C. Ensure that cans have not exceeded their stated shelf life: generally this will be one year or so at this temperature.溶剂粘合剂和底漆应存放在有空调的房间内,最高温度为27摄氏度。
6.10.3 Primer and solvent cement containers shall be inspected to ensure that the manufacturer's stated shelf life has not expired. Solvent cement that has gelled or thickened shall be discarded.应检查底漆和粘合剂的容器,确保生产商规定的上架保质期没有过期。
Cutting and preparation for joining 接头的切割和处理6.10.4 Plastic pipe can be cut easily with a hand hacksaw. Use fine tooth blades (16-18 teeth per inch) with little or no set (maximum 0.025 ins.). Pipe cutters can be us when the cutting wheel is specifically designed for plastic pipe.塑料管可以很容易地用手工钢锯切割。
6.10.5 Use a miter-box for ensuring square ends. 使用轴锯箱来确保端部整齐。
6.10.6 All burrs shall be removed from both the I.D. and O.D. of the pipe before joining, using a deburring tool or a half-round coarse file.在接头对接之前,应用除毛刺工具或者半圆粗锉刀除掉所有管道内部和外部的毛刺。
6.10.7 All pipe ends shall be beveled, minimizing scraping of solvent cement from the I.D. of the fittings as the pipe is inserted.所有管道端部应磨成斜面,减少管道插入时从配件的内壁刮下溶剂粘合剂。
6.10.8 Beveling can be done by using a coarse file or, preferably, a beveling tool.可以使用粗锉刀或者最好用削斜面工具制作斜面。
7.0 INSPECTION AND TESTING 检验和试验7.1 Inspection检验7.1.1 Fluor's Field Construction Engineer shall inspect all assemblies and configurations for good workmanship and agreement with construction drawings and applicable specifications, prior to testing and approval to backfill.在试验和准许回填之前,Fluor的现场施工工程师应检验所有的管道组装和排列是否工艺良好,是否符合施工图纸和适用规范要求。
7.2 Flushing and Testing 冲洗和试验7.2.1 Test Water Criteria 试验用水的标准• Testing the line shall be performed using water. It is not allowed to use air or other gases.管道试验应使用水进行。
• Drinking water system, Care shall be taken to insure of clean water for these tests.应特别注意饮用水系统的试验应使用清洁水进行。
• Sewer and Fire Water Systems, Test Water may be brackish. 污水管道和消防水系统的试验用水可以是海水。
• Process piping, test water shall be in accordance with 50-010-00-0-0-00-009.工艺管道的试验用水应符合 50-010-00-0-0-00-009规范的要求。
• A suitable filter should be provided in the fill line to the systems should foreign matter such as sand, rust or other particles be in evidence in the proposed test water.如果有迹象表明将要使用的试验用水中含有如沙子,铁锈或者其他异物,应在系统管道进水处提供合适的过滤器。
7.2.2 Testing Gravity System 试验重力系统• Before backfill each completed gravity sewer system or section shall be tested to hydrostatic head equal to the height of the top rim of the drain sump ring located at the upstream end of the section to be tested. The lower end of the sewer shall be plugged with a watertight seal.每个完整的重力自流污水管道系统或部分在回填之前,应进行试验,其静水压头等于位于将要试验管道部份的上游尾端的污水井的最高边缘高度相同。
• The sewer shall be filled with water and standing for 24 hours. Due to the absorption of the test water in the material, the system shall be filled-up to the rim of the manhole. The pressure loss shall compensated by filling the manhole again. The total of the refillwater shall not exceed the quantity following the formula:污水管道应注水并存水达24小时。