![华润牌油漆 设计有范 | 苏威 x 大隐設計 / 解构時光 是为重生](http://www.menchuang.net/aiimg/设计有范 | 苏威 x 大隐設.png)
建筑归于废墟虽然它留下的不是完整的设计但却有明晰的思想裸露的构造建筑的灵魂Buildings will be in ruinsIt doesn't leave a complete design, thoughbut the clarity of thoughtthe naked structurethe spirit of the thing.设计理念过去与现在的联结·本案设计位于福建省会城市福州的中心区域——鼓楼区,楼盘饱经风雨,见证了榕城的日新月异。
The project is located in the central area of Fuzhou, the capital city of Fujian province - Gulou District, witnessed the rapid change of this city. Facing this abandoned building, the designer has a different understanding of the broken and meaningful space -- combining the time-honored traces with modern design, complete the rebirth of the building, so that the material, light and shadow, space to maintain the true state and urban life.设计师去除了空间中不必要的元素,通过点、线条、面来叙述空间的属性,利用逐层内退的卡洛·斯卡帕式建筑结构有序分割空间,又达成了相性统一,让现代设计精神渗透进典雅、干净的空间中。
The designer removes unnecessary elements in the space, and narrates the attributes of the space through delicate points, lines and surfaces. The upper and lower parts are separated by the carlo Scarpa architectural structure which is retreated from the floor to the floor in an orderly and unified manner, allowing the modern design spirit to penetrate into the elegant and clean space.跃层空间利用漆面、大理石的肌理组成了空间的独特情绪。
The unique mood of the space is formed by the texture of lacquer and marble. Light roams in the space through the window holes on the second floor, forming a flowing space texture with local horizontal lines. Clean space color and decoration, in the light of the dizzy dye, create a simple but elegant, pure living atmosphere.在白色的体块中,设计师围绕着动线有意用重色材质点缀其中,硬朗的深色线条强调了肌理的质地、视觉的构图,保证了合理的尺度感和秩序,界定了空间的特质。
In the white block, designer use dark material surround it, strong dark lines emphasize the texture of the materials, visual composition, to ensure a reasonable sense of scale and order, define the difference of the space .踱步上楼,餐厅连通中厨与岛台,视野开阔,动线流畅。
Wandering upstairs, dining area is connected with kitchen and the island, wide vision and smoothy active pattern, making interaction becomes more convenient. Although it is a normal spatial layout, the living space with independent properties and individual personality allows residents to form an immersive experience with the space. Designers pay more attention to the scale and rhythm of daily life of residents. Space design is not only a form of vanity but also practical pointing to daily life.现代家具和艺术挂画中和了硬朗线条带来的清冽气息,暖色的光线为黑白色调为主的空间升温,让私密的卧室空间呈现出温暖平和之意。
Contemporary furniture and wall paintings neutralize the cool atmosphere brought by the hard lines , while the neutral light warms up the space dominated by black and white tones, giving the private bedroom a warm and peaceful impression.设计师的初衷是为居者营造出一个充满格调的居住氛围。
Designer aims to create a sylish living space for client. Clean lines that uses foundation cuts gives metope modelling, cooperate the furniture of mellow line to let drab space show special artistic quality and dimensional administrative levels feeling.主卧沿用了不同色彩、肌理的碰撞,丰富了空间层次。
Advocate lie used the collision of different color, texture, enriched space level. Of full of charm and humor place a piece to let dimensional rhythm more vivid, let host can be in illicit close space unload the exhaustion of a suit, place oneself is comfortable in.空间布局SPACE LAYOUT·▲一层平面图▲二层平面图▲三层平面图▲四层平面图项目信息Information项目名称:巴黎之春Project Name:Balizhichun项目地址:中国福州Project Location: Fuzhou, China设计机构:大隐空间设计事务所Design Agency: TAYIN SPACE DESIGN OFFICE主案设计:苏威Project Director: Su Wei设计团队:江添、刘咏祺Design Members: Jiang Tian、Liu Yong Qi效果图制作:南派视觉Graphic Rendering: Nan Pai Shi Jue设计面积:400㎡Project Area: 400㎡设计时间:2022.06Design Time: 2022.06苏威Su Wei大隐设计创始人及总设计师· 福建省青设委室内协会副主任· 中国建筑装饰协会高级室内建筑师· 福建师范大学传媒学院讲师· 2019 上海国际设计周 金梁中国设计奖· 2017 福州十大别墅空间设计师· 2016 中国十佳设计师· 2016 中国国际室内设计双年展金奖· 2015 CIDA中国室内设计住宅设计奖· 2014 福州十大杰出室内设计师· 2011 福州第六届室内设计大赛一等奖· 2011 福州十佳设计师· 2010 第八届中国国际室内设计双年展-银奖· 2010 福州第五届室内设计大赛一等奖· 2010 福州十佳设计师· 2009 福州市住宅装饰企业优秀设计师· 2008 福州市住宅装饰企业优秀设计师