![华润牌油漆 游园今梦:风雅古意的苏韵火锅店 | 南筑设计](http://www.menchuang.net/aiimg/游园今梦:风雅古意的苏韵火锅店.png)
The design is inspired based on the "Dream in the Deserted Garden", and integrates the secluded artistic conception with the elegant and antique taste of traditional south garden into the design and update of the restaurant. With the theme of "Dream in the Deserted Garden", the design is guided by the circulation of the garden with uniquely profound meaning, leading guests to pass through the wind screen and green curtain of regions south of the Yangtze River, step by step into the dream of "across the courtyard to encounter the hot pot in the misty rain".,时长02:15△项目视频临园行舟临秀川,画鷁推清澜“青莎覆城竹为屋,无井家家饮潮水”,外立面的设计融入了枕河庭院的意象,使得餐厅从外看去仿佛桥巷两旁临水而居的人家,青砖黛瓦,古色古香的造型更展露出慵懒闲然的日常感,古韵之中夹杂着恰到好处的烟火气。
"Sedges grew all over the town and bamboo houses were made. Every family has no water well, and all they drink is river water." The design of the facade incorporates the image of a courtyard facing the river, making the restaurant look from the outside like a house living near the water on both sides of bridges or lanes. Black tile and antique style also show the daily feeling of languid ease, and the ancient charm is mixed with optimal worldly flavor.通过调整入口进深的方式,在拉伸空间层次的同时,也将室内景观进行了虚化处理,增添远景意趣与神秘感。
By adjusting the depth of the entrance, it not only stretches the spatial level, but also blurs the interior landscape, adding interest and mystery to the perspective and also the sense of mystery. Go deep from the porch, the soft furnishings of the lobby make guests feel as if they are in a boat. There are not only gentle winds from the distant mountain, but also boats nearby swinging. The design here combines the concept of "no water boat", extending the atmosphere of the facade to the interior, to realize the effect of fusion of feelings with the natural setting.入园烟雨入江南,山水如墨染月笼轻纱,雨笼烟波,随光线的引领深入,就可感受到逐步“柳暗花明”。
The moon looks like wrapped in a gauzy veil, and the water is also shrouded in rain and fog. With the guidance of the light to go deep into the interior, one can feel step by step "dense willows and bright flowers". The designer applies the concept of "winding path leading to a secluded spot" here, hoping that along the expansion of space, guests can focus more on the landscape and images on the way and feel the poetic ink painting of misty rain in the South of the Yangtze River. The screen decorated with silk is like a classic paper from Tang Dynasty, which gently diffuses light over the surroundings with a soft texture like the first snow, allowing guests to enjoy the unique refined pleasure of boating under the moon.游园天色沉靛蓝,波光似锦缎走廊区域结合了花厅与廊桥的造型理念,以颇具古韵的制法,将园林盛景与画桥回转的意韵尽收其中,让食客体味到“闲庭信步”的雅意。
The design of corridor combines the formal concept of parlour and gallery bridge. With the ancient method, the spectacular landscape of the garden and the charm of ornate bridges with endless twists and turns are all collected, so that diners can appreciate the elegant meaning of "leisurely strolling in a courtyard". The restaurant boxes are named after the concept of twelve hours, with an implied meaning of "stay by your side all year round, from morning to night". It also fits the theme of keeping in good health with hot pot, emphasizing the way of nature of following to the destiny, the current situation and the rules.庭院区域以解构的方式演奏自然之声,体现外部自然和内在心灵的共通。
The sound of nature is played in a deconstructive way in the courtyard, reflecting the unity of external nature and inner spirit. With the garden itself as the instrument, the water as the strings, the rocks as the percussion, the flowers, birds, worms and grass as the chorus, the wind blowing and grass bending as the symphony, and with water, stones, flowers and birds, worms and grass, the wind and other elements as the image, the modern deconstruction-recombination technique is interpreted and presented, and the garden spirit is condensed in the layout of the furnishings.忆梦天近晚,炊烟袅,飘沿斑“围炉聚炊欢呼处,百味消融小釜中”,水墨画卷的末尾应是鲜活的灯影清辉,而庭院廊桥的终点则是滚滚升腾的人间烟火。
"The cheer is that everyone is eating around the stove, and all kinds of flavors are melting in this pot." The end of the ink painting should be the vivid lamp shadow and bright light, while the courtyard and gallery bridge should terminate in the billowing and rising worldly cooking smoke. Depending on the lighting from dark to bright, when the guests go outing in the garden, the extension of the light is utilized to lead them to the destination. They then gather in the quiet and tidy box, taste the hot delicious food and enjoy the green trees in front of the court. The heat rising from the first floor infuses the whole garden space with soul, blending the flavor of the world into poetic and painting.灯光设计方面,独具匠心地将中国传统绘画技法——点染,将之用于描述照明策略之中, 取其“从客择酒, 相互映衬”之意。
通过层次丰富、明灭各异的灯具选择,将漫反射的优势最大限度地发挥出来,柔化了室内的情绪氛围,带着朦胧美感的灯光与所有元素一起构筑场景, 织就一段令人流连的梦幻故事。
In terms of lighting design, the dot dyeing, the traditional Chinese painting technique, is used with ingenuity to describe the lighting strategy, which means "choose liquor as the request of guests to create good interaction". Through the choice of lamps with rich layers and different brightness, the advantage of diffuse reflection is brought into full play to soften the indoor emotional atmosphere. The light with hazy aesthetic sense builds a scene together with all elements, compiling a fascinating dreamlike story.平面图剖面透视图剖面透视图左右滑动查看更多项目名称|柴熹 港式苏韵海鲜火锅店项目地址|中国 无锡 梁溪区小娄巷23号设计单位|NonEZONE 南筑设计主持合伙人|苏阳、王海、姚伟国、张峰率主案设计|康诗林项目主管|龚道湘软装总监|程征软装团队|徐玮雯项目面积|400㎡设计时间|2021.5-2021.8完工时间|2022.2.21主要材料|染色木饰面、米白色硬包、定制墙布、夹绢玻璃、深灰色金属网、绣镜、藤编、黑色地砖、永生苔藓、黑色/黄铜电镀不锈钢、胡桃木地板部分品牌|奥艾美卡、CHERRY、钢饰界金属、尚德木业、嘉乐丽、芬琳漆、卡乐板灯光设计|OWEN欧未照明景观设计丨无境景观 ENDLESS LANDSCAPE视觉设计丨汉生HANSN施工单位丨上海古剑建筑装饰工程有限公司项目摄影|徐义稳项目视频|陈天奇