![布置婴儿房 效果图渲染|水墨石展厅太真实了](http://www.menchuang.net/aiimg/效果图渲染|水墨石展厅太真实了.png)
The corridor uses white marble as the background wall, and the roof uses black spotlights. Under the illumination of the light belt, it appears more bright and atmospheric, and the light and shadow effect is leisurely. Even in the minimalist space, there is no lack of advanced sense.2纯净的白色与空旷的设计空间,摒弃多余的装饰,将展厅的极简发挥得淋漓尽致。
The pure white and open design space discard the redundant decoration and give full play to the minimalism of the exhibition hall.3由天然石材制成的茶几,加上墙面展示的水墨石材,整个展厅融为一体,浑然天成。
The tea table made of natural stone, together with the ink stone displayed on the wall, makes the whole exhibition hall integrated and natural.4墨寒视觉墨寒|青年艺术家团队 超写实深化 CORONA认证渲染师 FSTORM进阶玩家每天来这里寻找创作灵感,欢迎私信留言交流~关注墨寒视觉公众号获取更多灵感~版权所有:墨寒|青年艺术家团队墨寒客服:MOHAN0539推广联系:whl123wan