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2023-03-21 来源:门窗加盟责任编辑:防盗门 浏览数:9 门窗网

核心提示:路面沥青摊铺工程施工合同CONTRACT FOR ROAD ASPHALT PAVING WORKS中英文5千余字,word 文档。目录 TABLE OF CONTENTS一、工程概况 Article 1. Project overview二、工程价款及工期Article 2. Project price and construction period三、工程价款的结算和支付Article 3. Settlement and payment of project price四、工程质量标准Articl


路面沥青摊铺工程施工合同ConTRACT FOR ROAD ASPHALT PAVING WORKS中英文5千余字,word 文档。
目录 TABLE OF CONTENTS一、工程概况 Article 1. Project overview二、工程价款及工期Article 2. Project price and construction period三、工程价款的结算和支付Article 3. Settlement and payment of project price四、工程质量标准Article 4. Engineering quality standards五、各方的责任Article 5. Responsibilities of parties hereto六、安全文明施工Article 6. Safe and civilized construction七、工程质量保证Article 7. Guaranty of work’s quality八、竣工验收Article 8. Completion acceptance九、违约责任Article 9. Liability for breach十、通知送达Article 10. Notice and service十一、不可抗力Article 11. Force Majeure十二、争议处理Article 12. Settlement of dispute十三、附则Article 13. The Supplementary provisions部分章节示例如下:一、工程概况 Article 1. Project overview(一)工程名称:路面沥青摊铺及交通标线(1) Project name: Rode asphalt paving and traffic line marking(二)工程地点: (2) Project site:(三)工程内容:按甲方提供的施工图纸及要求和双方共同确定的施工方案实施路面沥青摊铺及交通标线施工。
(3) Project content: The construction of the rode asphalt paving and traffic marking shall be subject to the working drawings and requirements provided by Party A and the construction schedule which jointly determined by the parties hereto.(四)工程承包方式:本合同工程价款采用固定单价的包干方式进行工程结算。
(4) Work contracting method: The price of the contracting works is settled by the lump sum method with fixed unit price. All costs of labor, materials and equipment required by Party B within the scope of contracting are included in the lump sum unit price of Party B, i.e. the forms of lump sum which include labor and materials, construction period, installation, quality, warranty, risk, personal safety and social security of construction workers, acceptance fees and other.四、工程质量标准Article 4. Engineering quality standards乙方完成的工程应当符合《道路工程施工与质量验收标准》及国家其他相关标准和行业规范的要求,确保沥青砼路面质量合格(包括:平整度、压实度、厚度、路面不积水)。
The works completed by Party B shall comply with the requirements of the Acceptance Standards of Road Construction and Quality and other relevant State’s standards and industry codes to ensure the quality of the asphalt concrete pavement is qualified (including: levelness, compaction, thickness and no ponding of water on the pavement).五、各方的责任Article 5. Responsibilities of parties hereto(一)甲方的工程责任(1) Party A's project responsibilities(1)提供可连续施工的段面,提供施工图纸及水准点和坐标控制点以及控制标高。
(1) provide the section surface for continuous construction, provide the construction drawings, leveling points, coordinate control points and control elevation.(2)告知施工路段应注意事项,协助乙方协调与其他方的关系,确保本工程顺利施工。
(2) Inform the construction section of the matters that should be paid attention to assist Party B to coordinate with other parties to ensure the smooth construction of this project.(3)有权对乙方进场材料检查和验收,若发现乙方使用不合格材料,甲方有权指令乙方更换材料,造成的经济损失由乙方负责,工期不顺延。
(3) Party A has the right to effect inspection and acceptance of the materials which being transported into the site by Party B. If Party B is found to use unqualified materials, Party A has the right to instruct it to replace the materials, and any economic loss caused shall be account of Party B and the construction period shall not be postponed.(二)乙方的工程责任(2) Party B's project responsibilities(1)乙方应严格按照设计施工图进行施工,沥青质量应当符合国家相关规范。
(1) Party B shall carry out construction in strict accordance with the design and construction drawings, and the quality of asphalt shall comply with the relevant State’s specifications. The thickness of the asphalt shall be subject to the elevation of the design construction drawings (or as agreed by the parties). Where the paving construction of the asphalt layer fail to meet the quality requirements, the cost of reworking and material costs shall be borne by Party B.(2)乙方应派现场技术人员、安全员、设备操作员参加施工工作,负责现场施工组织和施工安全管理、做好质量控制和机械操作工作。
(2) Party B shall dispatch the on-site technicians, safety officers and equipment operators to participate in the construction work, responsible for on-site construction organization and construction safety management, good quality control and machinery operation.(3)乙方负责施工机械、设备进出场及移位的运输工作,并为机械设备提供所需的油料,及时改换所需配件。
(3) Party B shall be responsible for the transportation of construction machinery and equipment into and out of the site and its relocation, and shall provide the required oil for the machinery and equipment and change the required accessories timely.(4)乙方的沥青层施工应做到安全生产、文明施工,并承担其经济责任和法律责任。
(4) Party B's construction of asphalt layer shall be safe and civilized, in addition to bear its economic and legal responsibilities.七、工程质量保证Article 7. Guaranty of work’s quality1、工程质量维修保证期为 年,乙方负责对保质期内的质量问题实行免费维修。
1. The maintenance guarantee period for quality of the project is years, Party B is responsible for the free maintenance of the quality defects within the warranty period.2、保修期内,乙方每季度巡查回访一次。
2, Party B shall, during the warranty period, make a return visit each quarter. The problems or defect found shall be dealt with through consultation with Party A in time. Where the problem or defect due to the quality of asphalt concrete or the paving quality, Party B shall repair and improve and bear the expenses thereof.

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