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2023-03-03 来源:防盗门责任编辑:断桥铝门窗 浏览数:5 门窗网

核心提示:2019版安装分包合同条件(中英文对照)CONDITIONS OF THE INSTALLATION SUBCONTRACT中国对外承包工程商会制定目录 Table of Contents前言 Preface分包合同协议书 Subcontract Agreement通用合同条件 General Conditions of Contract1 一般规定1 General provisions2 分包合同文件2 Subcontract documents3 主合同 3 The main contract4


2019版安装分包合同条件(中英文对照)ConDITIONS OF THE INSTALLATION SUBCONTRACT中国对外承包工程商会制定目录 Table of Contents前言 Preface分包合同协议书 Subcontract Agreement通用合同条件 General Conditions of Contract1 一般规定1 General provisions2 分包合同文件2 Subcontract documents3 主合同 3 The main contract4 承包商 4 Contractors5 分包商 5 Subcontractors6 分包商人员6 Subcontractor’s personnel7 分包商施工机械设备和配件7 Subcontractor's construction equipment and accessories8 开工 Commencement of work9 分包商的流动资金需求9 Subcontractors' requirements for working fund10 材料和设备的检查和检验10 Inspection and examination of materials and equipment11 不合格的工程、材料和设备的处理11 Disposal of non-conforming work, materials and equipment12 质量 12 Quality13 现场试验 13 Field tests14 隐蔽工程和工程的隐蔽部位14 Concealed work and concealed parts of the work15 竣工验收 15 As-built Acceptance16 缺陷责任 16 Defect liability17 计量和估价17 Measurement and valuation18 变更 18 Variations19 暂定金19 Provisional amounts20 因法律改变的调整20 Adjustment for variation in law28 承包商终止分包合同28 Termination of subcontract by contractor29 分包商终止分包合同29 Termination of subcontract by Subcontractor30 保险 30 Insurance34 承包商索赔34 Contractors' claims37 其他规定 37 Miscellaneous部分章节示例:(4) 分包商认识并理解到分包合同协议书项下的安装工程是主合同工程的组成部分。
兹达成协议如下:(4) The Subcontractor recognizes and understands that the Subcontract Works under the Subcontract Agreement are an integral part of the Works of Main Contract and is willing, within the scope of the Subcontract Agreement and within the agreed time limit, to undertake the obligations to carry out and complete the Installation Works and repair any defects therein, to safeguard the quality of the Installation Works in addition to fulfill the obligations of health, safety and environmental protection.It is hereby agreed as follows.1. 词语含义 1. Meaning of words分包合同协议书中的词语和措辞应与下文提及的《通用合同条件》和《专用合同条件》中分别赋予它们的含义相同。
The words and expressions used herein for the Subcontract Agreement shall have the meanings given to the same in the General Conditions of Contract and the Particular Conditions of Contract (if any) referred to below.分包合同文件2. documents of the Contract for the Subcontract下列文件应被视为分包合同协议书的组成部分,并应作为其一部分阅读和解释:The following documents shall be deemed to be the integral part of, and shall be read and construed as part of, this Agreement for the Subcontract.上述文件应互为补充和解释,如有不一致,以所列顺序在前的为准。
The above documents shall supplement and explain each other, and in case of inconsistency, the order listed prior shall prevail. In the course of the execution of the subcontract, the /confirm/iations, memoranda, meeting minutes, amendments to the contract and other documents and agreements relating to the contract signed by the authorized representatives of the parties shall also be a valid part of this contract. The amendments to the subcontract supersede the contents of the original documents and other agreements that contradict the same. In the technical specifications of Installation Works, the special technical specifications will prevail to the general technical specifications.3. 主要义务 3. Main obligations鉴于承包商将按下文所述向分包商支付安装工程款项,分包商特此与承包商立约,遵守分包合同的约定,自负费用承担安装工程的实施、完成并修复其中的任何缺陷,并履行安装工程质量及其健康、安全和环境义务。
WHEReAS the Contractor will effect payment to the Subcontractor for the Installation Works as described below, the Subcontractor hereby covenants with the Contractor to comply with the provisions hereof and to undertake at its own expense the execution, completion and repair of any defects in the Installation Works in addition to fulfill the quality of the Installation Works and the obligations of health, safety and environmental.WHEReAS the Subcontractor will undertake the execution, completion and repair of any defects in the Subcontract Work specified in the Subcontract, the Contractor hereby covenants to pay the Subcontract Price to the Subcontractor at the time and in the manner herein.安装工程内容和范围 4. Contents and scope of the subcontracted works分包合同协议书项下的安装工程内容和范围包括:d scope of the Installation Works under the Subcontract Agreement include. 分包合同工期 6. Work period of the subcontract分包合同工期自承包商签发安装工程开工通知书之日起算,工期为____日历天。
The work duration of the subcontract is _____ calendar days from the issuance date of the notice to commence the Installation Works by the Contractor.分包合同生效7. The effectiveness of subcontract除非分包合同另有约定外,分包合同在分包合同协议书经承包商和分包商双方法定代表人或其授权代表签字并加盖公章或合同专用章后生效。
Unless otherwise specified in the subcontract, the subcontract shall enter into force upon signing the subcontract agreement by the legal representatives of the contractor and the Subcontractor or their authorized representatives and being sealed with the official seal or the special contract seal.

阅读上文 >> 机电安装劳务资质2019新标准(机电安装工程劳务合同模板下载)
阅读下文 >> 总包单位与分包单位如何承担安全生产责任(有关总承包单位与分包单位安全施工问题)


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