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2023-03-03 来源:断桥铝门窗责任编辑:防火门 浏览数:5 门窗网

核心提示:本期编辑/开鸿顺KaiHongShun Studio————————如何选一扇好木门,这是困扰很多消费者的一个问题,因为不是内行,无法辨别木料的选择,无法看清木门里面用的材质,面对各种名目的门的类型,更是感到无所适从。其实,掌握了几条基本的方法,即使木门的名目再多,也会助你找到真正的好产品。How to choose a good wooden door is a problem that puzzles many consumers. Because it is not an expert, it is


本期编辑/开鸿顺KaiHongShun Studio————————如何选一扇好木门,这是困扰很多消费者的一个问题,因为不是内行,无法辨别木料的选择,无法看清木门里面用的材质,面对各种名目的门的类型,更是感到无所适从。
How to choose a good wooden door is a problem that puzzles many consumers. Because it is not an expert, it is impossible to distinguish the choice of wood, and it is impossible to see the material used inside the wooden door. 挑选高档木门严防材料打折尽管现在木门的种类非常多,但是仍有很多人对实木门情有独钟,所谓实木门,就是指制作木门的材料是取自森林的天然原木或者实木集成材,经过烘干、下料、刨光等工序科学加工而成。
Although there are many kinds of wood doors now, many people still have a special preference for solid wood doors. The so-called solid wood door means that the material for making wood doors is natural log or solid wood laminated wood from the forest, which is processed scientifically through drying, blanking, planing and other processes. 首先,要求木材内外应力平衡,暨不易变形,还有确定的木材的物理和化学性质,其表面带有木材的自然纹理,同时,原木门使用的黏合剂比实木门用量减少近50%,正是如上诸多因素,原木门是比普通实木门更珍贵、档次更高的木门。
First of all, it is required that the internal and external stresses of the wood be balanced and not easy to deform. There are also certain physical and chemical properties of the wood, and its surface has the natural texture of the wood.不论是实木门还是原木门,消费者需要防范的是’材料打折’。
Whether it is solid wood door or raw wood door, what consumers need to guard against is' material discount '. Some claim to be all black walnuts, but in fact only some of them are used, and the other part is filled with low-grade wood.某木门公司负责人告诉笔者,消费者在购买时一定记得要求商家在发票上写清楚木门的材质;另外就是选择那些经营年限长、有信誉有实力加工制作的大厂品牌。
The person in charge of a wooden door company told the author that the consumer must remember to ask the merchant to write clearly the material of the wooden door on the invoice when purchasing; In addition, we should choose the brands of large factories with long operating years, credibility and strength.购买中低档木门莫被概念炒作迷了眼木门品类如今五花八门,比如免漆门、PVC烤漆门、模压门等,说法特别多,商家往往会向完全不懂行的消费者介绍’烤漆门’,说这种工艺非常先进,给消费者灌输烤漆是高档门的代表,而所谓的烤漆,其实就是一种生产工艺。
There are many kinds of wooden doors nowadays, such as paint-free doors, PVC paint baking doors, molded doors, and so on. There are so many stories. Businesses often introduce 'paint baking doors' to consumers who don't know anything about it.据某省林产品质检站专业人士介绍,凡是在喷漆工艺中为了快速固化或者其他工艺需要,采用了红外线照射等其他方法进行烘烤的工艺,制成的木门都可以称之为’烤漆门’。
According to a professional from a provincial forest product quality inspection station, any wood door that is baked by infrared radiation or other methods for rapid curing or other process needs in the painting process can be called "paint baking door".现在木器油漆过程采用红外线照射方式加速固化的工艺已经非常普遍,大部分产品都采取了这种工艺,可以说凡是油漆过的木门都可以叫烤漆门,可以是实木门,也可以是实木复合门,也可以应用于目前新兴材料门。
Now it is very common to use infrared radiation to accelerate the curing process in the wood painting process. Most products have adopted this process. It can be said that all painted wooden doors can be called paint baking doors...作为消费者,不要被所谓的名称迷惑,最关键的是认清品牌,去正规卖场买正规产品。
As a consumer, don't be confused by the so-called name. The most important thing is to recognize the brand and go to the regular store to buy regular products. Observe the installation service level when comparing wooden doors.木门行业发展速度非常快,企业增长速度也非常惊人,但是据业内人士介绍,生产木门不难,难的是安装服务是否跟得上。
The wooden door industry is developing very fast, and the growth rate of enterprises is also amazing. However, according to industry insiders, it is not difficult to produce wooden doors, and the difficult thing is whether the installation service can keep up with it.要买放心木门亲自去厂家看一看木门要生产出来,需要多道工艺,而只有将每道工艺做到完善完美,才能给消费者拿出真正优质的产品。
正规厂家在做实木复合门时,一定会将杉木等填充物锯成规则长条,为了避免木材“湿涨干缩 ”可能发生的变形,每块杉木上都会在正反两面切割出凹槽,以适应木材的伸缩,防止木门变形,采购木皮时会采用0.6毫米的木皮,木皮足够厚,才能使木门的纹理清晰自然,富有质感。
To produce wooden doors, multiple processes are required, and only when each process is perfect can consumers produce truly high-quality products. When making solid wood composite doors, regular manufacturers will cut the fillings such as Chinese fir into regular strips.要想买到真正品质好的木门,最好的办法就是去厂家看看~The best way to buy a real high-quality wooden door is to go to the manufacturer and have a look.

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